trio drabble...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

charm: singapore happenings

i really wanted to come online last night, but choir prac sorta drained the life outta me. ah yes, i've sent fern the email again to join us as a team member, so do check your mail girl! :) pretty weird, cos i was supposed to have sent it to you already, but somehow you said you didn't receive it.. -scratches head-

well, weng lock's plane ride seemed pretty bumpy.. i think the weather around the world is pretty turbulent of late. my conductor just told us last night that her flight (she was supposed to be flying off today) to xiamen was cancelled cos there was a typhoon going on near xiamen. and as a result of which, a lot of international choirs couldn't make it there as well. oh, and 10 judges for the competition couldn't make it there either. so now, the whole bunch of us are praying really hard that the weather changes for the better by the time we're flying there, if not we'll be putting months of preparation to waste...

ah yes, by the way, if you guys have pictures to put up, please do so k? ;) we can afford to up the visual appeal of our blog!

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