trio drabble...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Frond Ferny - Orientation Day One

Today was the first official day of orientation. It was for the International Students mainly. We had a welcome talk in ECL1 (Economics, Commerce and Law LT1). Alritey. Let's outline today. =)

6.45am - Woke up. Brush teeth. Change clothes. Prepare milo and ate 2 slices of cake.
7.10am - Piano.
7.25am - Left house for bus stop.
7.35am - Bus 881 came. It was early! It was supposed to come at 7.38am.
7.40am - Bus reached Booragon Busport. Booragoon Busport is also where Garden City Shopping Centre is.
8am - 194 arrives and leaves Busport.
8.15am - 194 reaches South St. bus stop. Waaa very early!! =)
8.35am - Reached Jia Lin's flat. Sat around, had abit of breakfast.
9.25am - We leave for ECL1.
9.30am(or slightly after) - Welcome talk starts.
11.20am - Talk finishes. Jia Lin and I go to Bush Court cuz I want to make my student card. Met a 1st year 2nd sem student mature age student called Paul. Met Joanna (from Hunan) and Jason from HK. Made student card.
After I made my student card, we went to the Guild Shop to check out stuff. Yay! They've got hoodies there! I'll get one soon. We then proceeded to the bookshop to get our books and Jia Lin's student diary. I already got one when I went to Murdoch with Auntie Laura the other day. Jia Lin had enough money to get all her books. I bought 2 books. Then went to Bankwest to get somemore money. Met Cinammon, a girl from NORTH CAROLINA. Haha! Crap, but I didn't get her number. Haha...hopefully I'll see her again. Then, if Meixi and I ever go to NC to watch Clay in concert, I've got someone I know there haha. She's from Wilmington though and her parents live 4 hours away from Raleigh. Withdrew 200. Bought books for all my units except PSY145. That book hasn't arrived yet but it's good to have gotten all our books because Paul says the line will be out all the way till Bush Court when term starts because everyone's getting their books. We then went to the famous Asian Food Van to get lunch with Paul. Jia Lin wanted to go back to SV to put her books first because they ARE heavy! I know, cuz I had to lug them all the way back home haha. All 3 of us bought the large portion for $6. There was rice, vegetables and we chose terriyaki chicken and green curry. It's nice. The terriyaki is comparable to home but for 6 bucks, it's quite a small portion haha. I was expecting larger. It's an asian portion though so I was able to finish it. Paul didn't find it enough for him heeh. At 1.25pm, I called Jia Lin to ask her where she is because the bus that will bring the International Students to Garden City leaves at 1.30pm. Paul walked me to Carpark 4 because I have a pretty bad sense of direction. =p Met Jia Lin there and gave her her lunch. She ate it on the bus. I didn't go shopping with them to Garden City. Hehe, I took that chance for a free bus ride home. If I had to walk all the way back to the bus stop, I think my back will break! Anyway, when we reached Garden City, one of the OGLS, Alfonso (from Kuching) walked me to the Booragoon Busport where I took 881 home. Got home at 2.30pm, tidied up, showered and here I am!

To be honest, this morning was really cold. I wore a tee, my purple long sleeve, my woollen long sleeve, my black windbreaker (with the fleece inside), my woollen scarf, and gloves. I was still cold. I breathed out mist continuously for the first time today heeh. It was quite amusing. I ended up blowing out really hard whilst waiting for 881 at the busstop. Haah. Deprived childhood man. =p I think it was probably about 5 to 7deg. Celsius when I left the house this morning. My heater in my room is not on now and according to my clock, the temperature in my room is 18.5. In the house, it's probably about 17 because I did run the heater for awhile to warm up my feet. Hehe. My feet and hands are constantly suffering. I've got a huge pimple on top of my lip. Bah. Today afternoon was warm. I was sweating at the busport whilst waiting for 881 to go home cuz the sun was so glaring. It's kinda ironic. It's hot and yet everyone's in long sleeve shirts haha. Anyway, I took a photo of myself on the bus this morning to show you guys how fat I become (like a little snow woman!) when I've got 4 layers of clothes on me. =p Anyway, till then, take care guys! =) Must post more often okay! Alamak, I'm the only one who's posting long long! SBFF, good luck for the comp! When you leaving? Must blog when you're overseas also ok?

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