Lock Gor Gor's Day 3 & 4

Again... you know who... :P
Sorry for not blogging yesterday - was a bit tired cuz I had to go to school by 9am to complete my registration and grab my matriculation card. Anyways, on Sunday, basically I went with my friend to go take some pictures of airplanes and the city. Here are some pictures -
On the left is the view I get everyday from out my window - Anzac Bridge. Sunday morning was bright and sunny, but it eventually turned crappy, just like how a typical day in winter Sydney is like.
Monday came and I took the bus down to campus for orientation - about a 1/2 hour ride with 1 change of bus at Railway Square Central. Honestly, I couldn't eat much breakfast cuz firstly, it was so cold this morning and secondly, I was suffering from a bit of nervousness, being the first time I'm back in school for two years. I took bus 501 from Miller Street, a minute walk from my place up to Railway Square where I changed to bus 393 heading straight to campus.
Arriving and Surviving talk given by the ISS at UNSW was good - gave me a little insight into living in Sydney and surviving at the uni. After that I went to Maroubra HSBC to do my account but unfortunately, because I did not have a proof of residence here, I could not do so. Thank goodness Vernon stepped in to help and I managed to do it after going into the HSBC at Bridge Street. Still have not gotten my phone line though as the bank is not able to issue me a statement until tomorrow so I'll have to go back into the CBD again.
I reached home early today... around 5pm. And this was what greeted me...
Lovely Anzac Bridge with the towering cumu clouds above it... very dark and menacing. I just had dinner in and watched a bit of TV before taking a relaxing shower and coming to use the computer.
Anyways, tomorrow will be a relaxing day since I'm expecting furniture and that's about it. Wednesday and Thursday will be packed, with Friday being relaxing again. Oh no... really hope I can get back into the studying mode... =X
Tork-tah-yall-lai-dah. (Talk to you all later in Aussie slang)...
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