trio drabble...

Friday, August 11, 2006

charm: inevitable drifting...

uni life's just started chugging along slowly, with orientation stuff taking place, and matriculation week ending... the nus matric/orientation week's ending with this thing called rag day, which is part of this nus orientation event called rag & flag. basically the freshmen of every faculty are involved in the two parts of this event -- mainly the 'rag' component, and the 'flag' component. the latter speaks for itself. it's a flag day that involves (supposedly) all nus students spread over singapore selling flags. we were clad in turquoise coloured tees, so it was hell obvious where we were. as for the rag component, it's kinda like a mini chingay parade. for huge faculties like engineering and arts faculties, they'd put up a float and a presentation -- usually a dance item of some sort, with a running theme with their float. and for smaller faculties like us in law, it's just the presentation. not all people in law are involved though, but i guess i'm looking forward to seeing the law presentation tomorrow at rag! a couple of my friends are involved, so i think it should be pretty exciting. :)

it's just dawned on me this week, that it's really quite inevitable that friends drift apart once they enter uni... it's just the first week on uni -- and actual school lessons haven't even started yet, and i'm already feeling the effects of drifting. it just kinda seems so weird and perhaps even wrong, to drop a friend a text message to ask if he/she is doing all right and stuff like that... it's almost as if there's been this veil that's separated people, and that everyone just thrives in their own faculty and minds their own business, and that people whom they originally maintained such close and intimate friendships with, just seem so much less significant and less important now...

perhaps it's just the huge campus that separates people; but then again, the campus size should never be an excuse if friends make the effort to keep in touch. or perhaps it's just the fact that we all belong to different faculties, which makes the possibility of bumping into one another almost near zlich; but then again, it's always about the effort as well... and what makes matters worse, is that my faculty is located away from the rest of the campus, which makes chances of randomly bumping into people virtually impossible. which is why i so need to get a cca that gets me back to the kent ridge campus and get me acquainted with more people of other faculties. am thinking of auditioning for this acappella group in nus.. they performed during our freshmen inauguration ceremony, and i was quite impressed! i've always wanted to sing in an acappella group, so well, i really really really hope i get past the auditions... -prays hard-

well, just some random thoughts as usual. :) take care you guys! and WENG LOCK, PLEASE POST!!!

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