trio drabble...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Frond Ferny's 3rd day at Uni

Haven't posted since start of school. Quite some stuff happened. This week is a RAINY week in Perth. Gah. On Monday, we had our foundation unit lecture. Watched a movie after the 1st hour. Quite interesting. Went out with Esther to Garden City after class. We waited for the 1.32pm Bus187. When it pulled into the stop, Esther said to wait till the driver signals for us to board. Then, the bus reversed and doors opened. However, no one boarded. Esther said normally alot of people would board. As a result, 187 moved off. WE DID NOT BOARD THE BUS. Oh my god. I was soooo shocked haha. Esther kept apologising for her error. Toot la you girl! =p We ended up walking out to South St to take 194. Those are the 2 buses I can take to uni btw. I prefer 187 because it stops inside campus haha. If I take 194, it's a 10-15min walk to Bush Court. Whilst we were walking down the road we saw 194 at the junction so we ran to the stop. Then, we saw the bus turn right. And I was like, "HEY! Where's he going!" Esther said most probably went to Murdoch Park 'n' Ride before coming back to the stop so we made our way to the stop. 194 came after some time. I was already quite wet haha. The back part of my jeans (below the knee) all wet. Thankfully, it dried in Garden City before I got home. Got a beanie there and am contemplating on a pair of insulation gloves. Esther was totally drenched because a truck or van driver drove right past her whilst she was walking out of her bus stop. (Un)fortunately for her, the vehicle drove into a huge puddle of water and yup, you guessed it. She got a free shower when the sky was already showering Perth's plains. =)

Yesterday, we had our first Psychology lecture. VERY interesting! Haha. Took like 7 pages of notes. I'm satisfied with myself man. Went home and reviewed them. Didn't get much in. Today, woke up at 6.15am. So early can! I wake up at 6.15am when I need to go JJC not here! =p Anyway, I was running a little late. Must wake up at 6.05am next time. Normal routine. Wake up, pull covers over (cuz I don't mess the bed up much so logic is that, if I don't mess it up too much, I don't have to spare so much effort in making the bed =p), go to kitchen put a half cup of water into microwave to heat up. Then, it's off to the bathroom to brush teeth. When I come out, my hot water is ready so I make my milo and set it on the dining table. For the past few days, I've been eating biscuits for breakfast so I'll bring the biscuit container down from the top of the fridge as well. Then I go back into my room to change into my clothes. I hate that part cuz my body's warm from my own body heat and I have to wear COLD clothes. Bah. I normally wear about 3-4 layers. I went to 5 on Monday cuz I did not take my black windbreaker with me. After I finish changing, I'll comb and clip my hair, put moisturizer onto my face and lipgloss on my lips, chuck my comb and lipgloss into my bag. Then, I'll take my keys, handphone and my mp3 player (out of my bag), my Goldheart water bottle, my black windbreaker, bag (and occasionally scarf) and bring them all into the kitchen. I grab a plate, turn on the TV to ABC and watch TV while I have breakfast. I watch ABC cuz they've got cartoons on haha. I'm so kiddy man. Today, as I walked out of the door, it started to rain. I quickly put on my scarf whilst walking down the road to the busstop. Beanie was on. I hurriedly pulled my windbreaker's hood over my head. I took out my (now) pathetic umbrella (3 of the spokes have come off and I have to keep putting them back) and opened it. One of the spokes refused to stay on. CRAP. When I got to the junction at Hayward St and Marmion St, I stepped into a HUGE puddle of water. SPLASH! And I went , "SHIT." The entire part below my right knee got drenched (cuz my right leg stepped into the middle of the puddle). With such a big splash, my left leg obviously got abit of the morning leg bath. I reached the busstop, flicked my umbrella dry and tried (VERYYY hard) to stuff it back into the little pouch it came in. I did it finally not without wetting my 2 hands and making them so cold. It was probably 9-11deg at that time at 6.55am. Squeezed the water out of my jeans. My socks were so wet that my feet were cold the entire day haha. My jeans eventually dried up mostly. My shoes were wet though. Enough of that. Then, 881 almost gave me a heart attack by being almost late. When I normally get to school, the time that 881 reached Booragoon Bus Station and the time 187 starts is about 20mins. So, imagine that the time got cut to 5mins. 881 was supposed to reach Booragoon at 7.10 which it did. I hurriedly gave my thanks to the bus driver and ran to the 194 platform where many students belonging to Somerville Baptist College were waiting. 194 came and I got on. Halfway through the trip, I opened my bag and found my pencil box missing. WEIRD! I thought I did put it in and I couldn' have dropped it anywhere because I did not open that compartment at all. It actually dropped through my books into the bottom of my bag but I panicked and sms-ed Cyrus to ask him to bring extra pens for me. Because I was busy messaging, I didn't realise 194 had passed by Yiddara (or Yiddarin, I can't really remember) Catholic School (where I was supposed to press bell). I got onto South St with a weird feeling. Then, I saw the Murdoch College billboard and I was like, "CRAP. I missed my stop!" I hurriedly pressed the bell, hoping the next stop is reasonably near. It's not too bad. It was sheltered too. It was raining when I got off the bus and I didn't want to use my pathetic umbrella anymore, I took out the poncho I bought that day in Garden City and draped it over myself. The hood was HUMONGOUS. I spent alot of time whilst walking to Bush Court (path along South St) trying to adjust the hood just so that I could see properly. Haha. Reached uni and msged Cyrus, asking where he was because he wasn't replying me. Met Lucas and we talked abit. At 8.15am, I walked off to ECL1 and saw loads of people waiting outside. Saw a couple of guys going in but I didn't want to go in because I didn't want to be the only girl in there heeh. Then, saw a girl go in then I followed. Looked around for a seat and I saw Sharon! Went to sit with her. I placed my bag on the chair beside mine for Cyrus but that fellow didn't turn up for lecture today cuz he overslept. Lol. Anyway, Sharon and I went to sign up for our Stats tutorial time after the lecture and we managed to grab the last 2 slots of the 11.30am on Friday haha. Then, we went to the bookshop to get some stuff. I got the spiral notebook with 7 holes (so cool!). We did stop by Little Walter's Cafe before that to get some food. I bought a muffin for $3.80. It was super big man. I didn't feel like lunch after that. We went into the Refectory to sit around cuz it was cold outside and my jeans and socks were still wet. Sat down and talked rubbish then we saw Cheryl (Sharon's roommate). We talked for abit before Cheryl went off for her lecture. I complained that I was sleepy. Sharon asked if I wanted to go back to SV to sleep. I told her I didn't fancy walking back later hehe. So we went into the Library and all the way down to South Wing Level 2 (silent zone). We placed our bags on the study cubicles. I had taken my stats book out and I was going to read through it after my 10min nap. Sharon kept coming over to peek and laughed so I ended up not napping at all. Instead, we looked at some of the books the library had. We were at those big books section (larger than A4 size etc). Took out an entire collection of paintings from Tang, Ming, Yuan, Song dynasties (alot!). Then, Sharon took out a book with like "Dawson's NT" or something like that. We were talking about getting married and having kids. And we were giggling like crazy and trying not to laugh out loud cuz we're in the silent zone. So I told her, "Wah, you want how many kids? 11 ah? Football team!" As we flipped the pages, the houses got bigger and nicer and we kept pointing them out to each other. Then, in one of the houses, Sharon started counting the windows. Can't remember how many she counted but she did say one for each kid, one for me. And there was an extra small window and I said it was the toilet window. Then we started laughing again. =) It comes from playing TS2 heeh. Toilet windows are small. Well, they have to be. Anyway, we left the library at about 12.10pm where I met Jia Lin, Amanda and Amirah. Sharon went back to SV to rest awhile before her 1.30pm lecture. Amanda and Amirah went off to do something else whilst Jia Lin and I set off to find the Peace Pavilion where our Psych. lunch was. Found it and we went back to her flat to put her stuff down. CK called to ask where we were. Met there. Saw Ro again. =) Started lunch, I had a sandwich, 2 pieces of sushi and a piece of chocolate cake. The sandwich suddenly tasted hot halfway so I dumped it away. Dad and Mum said it must have been some sauce (can't remember the name). The sushi was not too bad heeh. Had a short briefing by Iain Walker, the Dean of the School. Talked to one of the Associate Professors and she mentioned she was going to Singapore on Tuesday. I told her, "Oh, bring me with you!" Haha. We all talked about the food etc. Seems that every other non-Singaporean who meet that has been there talks about the food. Sigh, what to do. Singaporeans are food junkies. Yea, and oh! did I mention that I completed the 1st chapter of the Psych study guide today as well? Haha. There are so many questions in that study guide. It's good for practice I guess. Effective.

Anyhoo, this is an EXTREMELY long post. To make up for not posting for the past 4 days haha. I started typing this at 11.54pm. It's already 12.39am now haha. My lecture starts at 12.30pm later so I don't need to get up so early haha. Aunty Laura might be fetching me to uni. I hope she does! =) Hehe. Till then, tata! Jia you with the maths Kor! Anything can ask me! =)

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