trio drabble...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

charm: rotting away.. as always. :)

our picture at the airport! :)

woke up this morning to start packing for my trip to xiamen this friday. must tell you guys about my suitcase. it's pink and purple and hell easy to spot on the luggage claim belts. :D well, choir's been a bit tense, cos there was a bit of an emotional breakdown for us choristers and our conductor during monday's practice. basically the choir needs a greater sense of direction for our xiamen competition, and we all need to throw the negativity that we've been having about our performance and our fellow members away. there's been a lot of accumulated grievances and frustration, which's been impeding our progress. for my case, i guess i need to learn how to sing from my heart again. it's something that i've lost over the two years of being in hc choir -- i've unwittingly become too obsessed with the technicalities of the song, that i've become so devoid of singing emotion when it comes to choral singing. our last practice is tonight, so all of us are pretty apprehensive about it, actually. my senior was saying that if we can't get things together and set things straight tonight, then we're doomed.. -keeps fingers and toes crossed-

fern. you're doing stats! my goodness i had such a sad past with stats last year... oh and weng lock, is that an inflatable mattress i spot there? eh you guys must pardon me for the very mundane entries, cos seriously, my life back here is really quite unexciting.. oh. i have driving tomorrow. please please please pray that i don't get disgusting instructor who's made me cry twice already... -starts praying now-

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