Frond Ferny - Week 2 of Term
Haha, today marks the one week anniversary of me stepping into that puddle of water. It didn't rain this morning. THANK GOD!!! =) Haha. Got to school early and waited for Sharon. Went for Stats lecture. Quite boring really but I managed to stay awake for the important bits haha. Lecture finished at 9.20. Sharon went to TLC for her WS whilst I went outside to meet Nathaniel. Went to renew my OSHC. Cheryl, Lukas, Nathaniel and me went into the Refectory for Brunch. Talked and talked and laughed ALOT lol. Went to ECL1 for BIO152 (all 3), MAS183 (2 boys) and PEC114 (all 3). And me? I sat in there reading my PR book. During the Chem lect, I was too sleepy to carry on so I gave up haha. Yep. Nathaniel told me about the 116 bus route yesterday night and we were going to try it out today. He's so sweet la haha, his lectures were over at 1.30pm. He waited till I finished at 4pm then we went to see the bus stop. Unfortunately, 116 would only come at 5.16pm so I had to take 194. Awww...At Booragoon Bus Stn, I went to the big board to see the list of buses and times. There was also a list of the buses that go to each suburb. I looked at Murdoch and it said 940, 187, 194, 116. 116 was ruled out because the frequency is like one every hour plus. 940 is VERY frequent but I don't know where it stops. Gotta find out. 187 and 194 are the buses I take now. Oh well. Yepyep. Got home, wanted to buy veggie from Imperial Wok but found it was closed. They apparently close on Wednesdays. GAH. I got abit panicky cuz although I loath veggies, I have to eat them. I was thinking maybe I could eat the raw cabbage in the fridge lol. (So despo!) When I got home, I found baked beans in the fridge and thought, "Hey, maybe that can be my veg!" I ate baked beans, the remaining chicken and rice I cooked yesterday. I showered at 6pm today so the bathroom was freezing. Hehe. Lure of fanfic. SBFF, all your great fault! =) I was reading KBOW fics but not alot already lol.

I think I might try 940 home tomorrow. Hope that the bus stop is near! Then I don't need to take that long walk for 194 haha. Grr. I don't know what else to say already hehe. POST YOU GUYS!!!
1 comment(s):
Ah nor... It's funny that we say this and that is not good about home but when you're here ar... then you'll really vomit blood when you have to wait "10 working days" for anything to be done. Love the efficiency back home even though the aunties may not be so nice to you sometimes...
Lock Gor Gor, at
4:47 PM
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