trio drabble...

Friday, August 04, 2006

charm: old memories; new beginnings...

hello! please look at new template! :) i personally think it's quite nice! well for one, there's green stuff, which is significant of dear fern (i mean, since she IS some sort of fern -chuckles-), there's brown stuff, which kinda reminds me of weng lock, since we bought him a lovely brown shirt the last time round, and you see the orange swirls there on where the title is? that's me! :)

haha pardon the lameness, it's just me at work. heehee. :)

ah well, the "new beginnings" entry title not only refers to the new template, but also my thoughts on other things. the obvious one would prolly be the beginning of uni -- the new school term starts next monday, 7 aug, with all the orientation stuff and the like, and lectures/lessons start on the 14th. it is kinda weird, cos the law campus is at bukit timah, and away from the rest of the faculties back at kent ridge. it's as if we're some elite group that's occupying this exclusive location at bukit timah.. haven't quite decided on what cca/school activities i'll join, cos initially, i was contemplating taking on the muggertoad role in uni... then my friends were commenting that they didn't want to spend 4 years of uni life plain studying, and they want to make life as happening as possible... and i'm thinking, being in the segregated campus in bukit timah, it's gonna be hard to get really involved in school activities... but then again, campus life is self-created, so technically, nothing can really stand in my way if i really want to have my own vibrant campus life. -shrugs- guess it's just a minor case of cold feet.

finally purchased my laptop from nus today. it's in the midst of being charged. i tell you, i am such a dino when it comes to computer stuff. i don't really bother what resolution the lcd screen has, i don't bother how big the RAM (god knows what that stands for...) is, and all i know is how to use it -- the basic stuff. tech-idiot-charm. -grins-

was just reading a birthday card i received from a close friend for my 18th birthday... and i found myself crying bucketfuls as i read. you know how sometimes friends drift apart once they leave school, and that you don't realise how much you've drifted until you read/look at something that reminds you of how close you two were in the past? well, i mean the two of us are still talking on a regular basis now, and we still meet up pretty often, but somehow, the feeling is just different. and i can't help but miss the way things were when we were still back in jc.. he's just... not as happy and carefree as before, and looking at the contents of the card he gave me last year, just can't help but miss the old him... how i would just receive text messages from him at random times of the day; how we'd have long chats online, despite it being a school night; and the encouragement he gave me when i was down... it's not that i don't get all of the above from him now, but it's just different now.. he just seems... distant.. perhaps i'm just being too sensitive, or perhaps i'm just a stickler for holding on to old (and seemingly better) memories, and comparing them with my current situation at present... or maybe it's because i never had such a close friendship with a guy before, which is why i can't quite come to terms with this inevitable drifting... OR. i'm falling for this friend of mine. -pulls hair and pinches self- not. happening.

just some food for thought. :) very unlike me to type long entries, but haha i actually did so for this one!

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