trio drabble...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Frond Ferny - Thursday, August 3rd 2006

Ok, I admit it's a lame title but I don't know what to put as title! Oh well, today was a normal day. Woke up at 7.30am. Thought I would wear shoes for a change today. Who would have expected it would start raining at 8.15am!!! Gah. Had to change into boots. Walked to bus stop in slight rain. My black jacket was slightly wet. Slept on 187. Woke up and almost forgot to get off the bus haha. Called Nathaniel and asked him where he was. The 3 of them (Cheryl, Nathaniel and Lukas) were in front of TLC cuz he needed to change his lab time. We all sat there for half an hour laughing about dissections and injections lol. Then I went for my CT workshop. Stats lecture was at 12.30pm. Met Sharon and Cyrus and sat there for 50 minutes. Our lecturer has this innate ability to make Sharon and I both very sleepy so we both occupied ourselves with what you will see below whilst listening to him talk about Population and Sample Variance. I, of course, boxed the formulae and knew what he was talking about but without what we did today, I would fallen asleep on the table. Cyrus was highly amused when I showed him what we had done muahaha. Enjoy the pictures! Pardon the layout. I was originally going to put like 3 in a row. Apparently, blogspot doesn't allow me to do so! =p
I'm so proud of myself today haha. I got home and did my LAUNDRY!!! =) Lol. I was terribly curious so I kept opening the cover for the washing machine whilst it was 'at work'. At one point during the spinning, I opened it and the chamber was spinning so fast. I suddenly felt very frightened and let the lid bang down shut lol. I did 2 sets of washing (coloured and white clothes). Anyway, my clothes ended up being stuck to the side of the machine after it was done. I was very amused by it! =D

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