trio drabble...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Frond Ferny - Happy Birthday my dear Singapore!

FIRST!!! I'd like to wish Singapore a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! =) I love you! *muacks!* Funny how it takes being away for you to love your country so much. We humans have warped minds haha. Anyway, got up at 6.10am today and it was sooooo bloody cold. Well, try wearing only 2 layers whilst the outside temperature is 4deg. hahah. Got to school and went into the refectory straight cuz my entire face was numb from cold. I needed something HOT. I bought the pumpkin soup. Mmmm! Nice! Went for Stats lect after that and was sleepy hehe.

Then I went for my Psych testing. Maths Competency. The paper was super easy lah. Finished in half the time given. Originally going to join Cheryl, Nathanael and Lukas for lect but Cheryl told me the lect was already full so I went into the library to pass time and met Sharon. We went for her pronounciation skills class by TLC. I got partnered with a guy doing his Phd from Johor haha. He asked me how come I was here and I told him I was only accompanying a friend. He said, "Haha, obviously. You don't sound like you need a pronounciation class." So I helped him along with the pronounciation. He couldn't quite get 'photography' and 'photographer' right lol. At 11.30am, I went to join the guys for lect. Met Jonathan there so we all sat together. Took out my lappy and started fiddling with Excel. Learnt how to draw histograms and draw regression stuff. Whee!

Lunch was at The Lunch Box. $4.90 for Terriyaki Chicken and Steamed Rice. I thought it was quite nice although Nathanael and Cheryl made us laugh hysterically over their stories of microwaved insects. Went for my PR tut after that. Then went to Jia Lin's flat to wait till 6pm because that was when our National Day celebration would begin. We ended up going there close to 7pm.

The celebration was held in the tavern. When we arrived, the NDP was being screened so I was obviously very happy! =) Felt so at home with so many Singaporeans there haha. When the President arrived in the National Stadium, most of us all stood up and sang the National Anthem. Shiok man! =) Then we ate dinner and sat around whilst watching the parade. When the parade ended, all of us stood up to take the pledge and sang the National Anthem once more. There were cheers all round. Everyone there felt really proud to be Singaporean haha. So patriotic. =) We had a mini quiz after that. I knew all the answers but I only went up to answer the question, "Who gave the name Singapura to Singapore?" The answer is Sang Nila Utama but it seemed alot of people didn't know it lol. The prize was some local sweets found back home but in no way found here. =) I had loads of fun there basically. And I met Mel too! Finally! Haha.

Aunty Susan took me home after that and I quickly showered. Damn cold! =p Talked to Mum and Dad awhile. Sent an email (errhem SBFF! =)), talking to other friends and here I am! Haha. So this is how I spend National Day this year. The Singapore flag WAS up at Murdoch International today. They had it up last Wednesday! Wheee!!! I felt very very homesick today la. When we were watching the parade, Cherie told me, "I feel like going home right now." Sigh. I felt the same. I think alot of us did. After the parade, they did show us a slideshow and the song was Kit Chan singing Home. Oh my god. Tears came into my eyes but I didn't cry. Hehe. Miss home soooo much. Oh well, I guess we only appreciate home better when we're away. Cherish Singapore SBFF! Otherwise next time go overseas to study ah, aiyooooo...hehehe. I'll post photos when I get them!

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