trio drabble...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Frond Ferny - The Best Birthday Ever...

Whee! HAPPEEE BIRTHDAEEE TO MEEEEEEE! I'm 19! NINETEEN. Good god, I'll be TWENTY next year. That's sooo fast! Well, my day started at 12 midnight actually. Dad and Mum wished me a Happy Birthday. Then Jia Lin, Alwin and Andrew followed cuz we were chatting. Then, a whole lot of others like Kor, Nathanael, Meixi, Julia, Vina, Sharon and even Auntie Gan. Jenni from JTPS (wow! That was like so long ago, wished me a Happy Birthday through Friendster. Jean from Zenitant did too.) Ming Xian sent me an email and Jasmine sent me a card from Singapore. Charmaine just did as I'm typing this now hahhaa. Aldy just did too! And Chipz just did as I'm editting it the 2nd time. Am posting photos.

My birthday actually started on the 13th when I received a parcel from Kor. After calling him in the morning and chatting to him about the present awhile, I opened it after I came home from school. So sweet! The card almost made me cry. Then on Wednesday, I received a card from Jasmine. *grin* Then! Andrew told me that Jia Lin and him were going to take me to a cheese restaurant on Saturday for my birthday. I freaked out immediately because I'm deathly INTOLERANT of cheese. It gives me horrible diarrhoea. Experienced it when I went out with Charmaine to eat at Marche for the first time. Had diarrhoea within the hour. =S I didn't wanna disappoint them so I just kinda kept quiet. The next day, Alwin, Jia Lin and me were having brekky at Sir Walter's so I told Alwin they were taking me to a cheese restaurant for my birthday. Jia Lin said, "Well, I think it's psychological so we're gonna help you overcome it for your 19th birthday." I got slightly angry so I didn't say anything. During dinner that day, I told Aunty Laura about it and she told me that it's not that I'm lactose intolerant because I can take dairy products. It's because cheese is made from the fat in the milk. It's the fat that I can't digest and that gives me diarrhoea. I told Andrew about it that night. Then he admitted to the prank. Pfft. Then I told him I had been worrying the whole day lol. He apologised for causing me distress. He didn't realise it would make me freak out so much lol. Wha! How can I not when I know I was probably going to spend the next entire week on the toilet seat hahaha!

Today, I got up at 9.50am where Aunty Laura and Uncle Soo Poh wished me a happy birthday and they got me a little present. It's a little Koala pencil case and a card. Haa, I can use that case on Thursdays when I've got only 1 class. Then Ben came over, wished me happy birthday and we all went to lunch at Northbridge Chinese Restaurant. The food wasn't as good as last time. Bleah. After lunch, we came home and they got out a cake for me from Miss Maud's. Cut the cake and we ate a little. Msged Alwin and told him he could come around 1pm. He came around 1.35pm and we went to Cockburn Ice Arena. Had to find my footing initially cuz I haven't skated since 2004 I think. Alwin said for someone who's only skated 4 times prior, I was actually quite good haha. That's some consolation. Haha, I had tons of fun! Whee! I think I wanna take it up haha. I kept grabbing his arm when someone was almost going to crash into me. The kids in the rink were really cute. The way they stopped was exactly how I used to stop. They would skate towards the side wall and crash right into it thereby stopping. However, when they crashed into the wall, they would flip because the force was a little too great. Alwin taught me the t-brake which was to place one foot behind the other and stopping.

After ice skating, we went to Macs for tea. I ate 6 nuggets, 1/2 an apple pie and some fries. Kor called at 3.39pm apparently. I was still in the rink and my phone was in my bag. Called him as I was entering Macs. He wished me happy birthday and said that he would give me a treat when I got home. That's 2 already. Earlier, Kelvin promised me one. Mum and Dad told me just now they would give me another when I get home. Gawd, I'm gonna get so fat. Hehe. Then got home and showered. Found a present sitting on top of my lappy and I asked Aunty Laura who put it there. She told me Ben did. Wow! I definitely wasn't expecting a present from him. He wished me happy birthday yesterday and Aunty Laura said, "It's 21st! Not 20th!" And he was like, "You said 20th!" Hehehe. Then he said, "Well, I take that back. Just as well, I didn't get you a present." Lol.

Alwin msged me, telling me that he would be me up first then go to SV to pick Andrew and Jia Lin up. Apparently, it was wrong. It was the other way round. He keeps getting the 2 of us mixed up! We went to Dusit Thai on James St in the city for dinner. The food was really good! Must go back haha. Then we went home. Jia Lin was telling me in the car just now that her flatmates are falling ill one by one so she wanted to get some panadol from the pharmacy in case she got a fever too. I told her not to waste her money. I had some remaining so after we finished dinner, they told me they would be fetching me home first. Upon reaching home, Jia Lin and me got out of the car and got into the house. I locked the gate. Jia Lin was like, "Why you lock the gate?" I said, "I'm paranoid. Later some burglar rob the house." Hehee. Apparently, she didn't want it locked because Andrew and Alwin would be coming in with the cake. Hahaha! Went into my room and got the panadol. Talked about it awhile lol. Jia Lin was talking like really loudly haha. I thought she was high or something but she wanted to hide the fact that Aunty Laura had to open the door for the guys to come in. Went into the kitchen. Andrew apparently thought the candles he got were 24 candles but there were only 12 so Aunty Laura got somemore and they placed 19 candles on the cake. The cake is an Apple Crisp Jia Lin baked. It's nice! =D We sat there eating, talking and laughing. Jia Lin made us laugh so hard about this story she told us about her dad cutting her hair for her when she was young. Just hysterical man. Andrew and Jia Lin got me an extra present too. 2 shirts they bought. They're really nice but I'll need to wear a spaghetti top below it or something because one of them is quite low cut. Haha. Conservative me. ;) Yea, basically that's it. Here's a 'list' of my gifts (and those coming? Muahaha).
Aunty Laura and Uncle Soo Poh - Card + Koala pencil case
Aunty Laura - Lunch
Ben - Body Shop pack with Vanilla soap, bath gel, lotion, a towel, a candle.
Alwin - Ice Skating (paid for my entrance and skate rental. =) )
Andrew and Jia Lin - 2 shirts
Andrew, Jia Lin, Alwin - Dinner
Kor - Sent it to me in a parcel which arrived on Wednesday. *grin* A Tazmanian Devil with sunglasses sitting on a Director's Chair he bought from Movie World in Gold Coast and 2 DVDs: In Search of Mozart and The Truth Behind Killer Dinosaurs. Wow! He remembered I liked dinos!
Mum and Dad - Birthday treat and violin
Kelvin - Treat

Well, that's about all I suppose. Enjoy the photos. This was definitely the best birthday I ever had. The only regret I had about today was that I wished Mum, Dad and Kor were here with me during lunch. It was definitely better than last year. I mean, I never had friends who would bake a cake for me and even go through so much effort to get it into the house (by means of a distractor - Jia Lin! hehe) and let us enjoy the cake there. So touching! For some reason, I'm not too good at expressing profound thanks verbally. Sigh. Love them so much man. *grin* That's all I guess. Take care all! Tata!

1 comment(s):

happy birthday to fern, happy birthday to fern, happy birthday to sook fern, happy birthday sook fern! :D ok. lameness from charm. we're so gonna turn 20 next year already... cherish the last year our age ends with a 'teen'! -hugs-

By Blogger charm, at 11:37 PM  

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