trio drabble...

Monday, August 28, 2006

charm: adapting to law school...

well well well! i see we all have been making the effort to post from time to time! :) nice work done over the study break, fern! stay positive about maths, weng lock! no one said uni was gonna be easy man... and for me, i'm kinda getting the hang of law school, this being the third week of being in it.

for starters, i got my first assigment back today, and i did better than expected! got a B+, which to me, is like a really great encouragement! i've always been quite an average (and sometimes below average) student -- when the comparison is done relative to my oh-so-brilliant peers, so a B+ is a pretty decent grade for me, and well, affirmation is always heartening! got another assignment to be submitted this saturday, and that, is the big one. contributes to 10% of the final grade, so well, more effort and time put into that, i suppose. it's called a closed memorandum, and it's basically a prediction of how a case will likely to be ruled by the Court, using other existing cases as reference and justification. Quite lengthy cos we've got a substantial amount to write, but we're working with a word limit of only 1000. a big test of my summarising abilities. bah. i was never known for being concise. it's time i started learning how to.

hang in there, folks. we're all in the same boat! :)

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