trio drabble...

Monday, August 14, 2006

charm: first day at law school...

and so, after the two of you have gradually settled into the aussie uni courses you guys are each doing respectively, i have finally started on my first day at law school today! mmm now let's look at the different aspects of going to school/being in school today.

1) transportation
- took me about an hour plus to get to the bukit timah campus (btc). not unlike getting to hwa chong actually. :) pretty familiar route, so that was quite all right. not much of a jam in the morning, so things went pretty ok. met jon at the bus stop (he was on the bus right behind mine), so at least i had company on the way into the campus!

2) the campus
- honestly, the campus was (and still is) more unfinished than finished. the only venues we could use today, were just the classrooms for our LAWR (legal analysis, writing and research) tutorials, the canteen (it's like a puny food court), and the multi-purpose auditorium that was used for lectures. both the law year 1s and 2s were in school for lessons today, so you can just imagine the huge crowds of people... -shudders- the whole place is like a construction site, and basically, it's hard to navigate your way around, cos there aren't many concrete (literally) buildings around to act as some forms of identifying your exact location. it's just piles of cement, construction workers, and metal enclosures. oh. and the lifts are dead slow. the stairs are a better alternative.

3) the lectures/tutorials
- we got to law school, and everyone's allocated their personal locker that's filled with the essential notes we need for lectures and the modules for the semester. and goodness. there was at least 7cm worth of notes. and the bulk of the thickness went to the readings for tort law. good god. so heavy. and well, everyone received their timetables in the lockers as well, and we were basically panicking to see if we missed anything. my lessons are pretty evenly spread out, and most of my days start at about 11am and end about 345 pm, except monday where i start at 9am and end at 515pm, and disgusting thursday where i start at 2pm and end at 715 pm. ugh. i rather have a packed timetable but resulting in earlier days. well, gary was commenting that the double degree people would prolly have earlier days, cos they may need to cheong other modules in other sems to complete the law portion of their double deg for the year or something.

- lectures and tutorials were fine.. getting used to school all over again, and concentrating during lectures... and good god, the tutorial groups are small! 12 people per group! michelle's together with me in the tutorial groups, so it's pretty cool! :) there are like 5 hc people in my tutorial group, so it's quite nice to have familiar company...

- i've already got an assignment to be due this saturday. amazing isn't it? O.o i have to start reading up on all my cases given to me. and they're like A LOT. please wish my brain and concentration all the best man... been reading cases on drink-driving, spectator getting injured by galloping horse in a competition, and how to dissect cases by things called rules...

4) in essence
- gotta be all geared up for more to come! :)

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