trio drabble...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

charm: positively dying...

it's just been one week at law school, and i already feel terribly drained... reading law is indeed tough -- especially for someone like me, who isn't all that well-read (thus making my general knowledge near zilch as compared to my learned friends at law) and well-versed with local politics. i guess it's partly because i don't always read the papers (am trying to make a point to do so now), and that my parents don't bother with politics at all! i mean, some of my friends actually discuss politics with their parents over a meal, and i always think to myself: it's definitely impossible to do so with my parents. over the weekend i just asked my mum on whether she knew what GRCs were, and she was like "some grassroots thing?" and i was like "noooo!!!!!" sigh... it's so gonna be a tough 4 years for me man...

submitted my first assignment online, and it was more like a gamble and a trial and error sorta thing. was mostly unsure of what to include, and struggled with the analysis and breaking down of the case... the thing about reading cases is that, the judges usually come to the same conclusion with regards to the verdict/appeal, but they have slightly different reaons as to how they came to this conclusion. and so when you read the judgments of the different judges, you're supposed to pick out their main crux of their judgment and see how it differs from the rest of the judges. it's a hell tough job to do, because at first glance, all their points seem to be the same! they're deceptively similar! and it doesn't help that the language they use in their judgments are so complicated, it's virtually impossible to find the differences in their judgments! -dies-

and apart from that, we've still got lotsa other readings to do... lectures are conducted very generally, and they seem to be more of a huge discussion session facilitated by the lecturer, rather than an informative lesson. hence one has to go in prepared with a clear idea of the topic for the day, and be prepared to be intellectually stimulated by the points brought up during the lecture, and possibly, be prepared to chip in with a point or two as well. which i obviously haven't -- and can't do. the thing is, it's not that i don't put in the effort to prepare, but if you take a look at the language used in my law textbooks, it's not exactly palatable and digestible on a first read. and with the piling lot of readings and preparations for other subjects in this sem as well, i can't possibly read the text a second time, due to the lack of time! -yanks hair-

am positively sinking and drowning, but i guess the redeeming factor is that i can swim -- it's just a matter of how much effort i put into the swimming in order to keep me afloat and get me to the other end of the ocean in 4 years' time.

just my two cents worth of complaints. -grins-

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