trio drabble...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Frond Ferny - I Made It! =) And the chooks...

I've done it. I've survived 3 weeks alone. =) I'm quite proud of myself actually aside from a very frightening thing that happened yesterday night. I woke up at 3.27am terribly hungry. My stomach was extremely painful. I hobbled into the kitchen and tried to quickly make a cup of Milo because my surroundings were going white which probably meant I was close to fainting. =S. It's really freaky. I never felt so afraid before. I was so afraid I would just collapse on the floor like that and no one would find me till the morning. =S Note to self: Drink Milo before bed or at least eat something hahah. I didn't eat last night. I guess it can't work here. My body burns energy faster to keep me warm so I guess I have to keep refuelling myself. =)

Aunty Laura brought dragonball biscuits and a whole host of stuff back from Penang haha. I got fetched from school today so I reached home at 1.45pm. Haha! Played piano in the afternoon! I figured out the little ornamental on the 3rd page FINALLY and I've perfected the first set of demisemiquaver fingerings. =) It's more performance standard now! Whee! Haha.

Anyway, I took some photos of the chooks living in the backyard today. Did you know chooks can fly? Gosh. One of them actually flew out of the coop yesterday and into the neighbour's backyard. Took Uncle Terry half an hour to catch it. *laughs* Here are some photos! The last one is a native Australian flower called Geraldton Wax. It grows in Aunty Laura's garden. Her garden has many many flowers! In the backyard, there are strawberries, bananas, rhubarb, roses, daisies, potatos and tons of chilli haha. Mini vegetable plot lol!

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