trio drabble...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Frond Ferny - Layer ditching

Glad to see you both updated! Was beginning to think if I was the only one alive hehe. It's Ben's birthday today. Remember to wish him happy birthday Kor! Hah. Anyway, it's the end of my non-teaching week aka holiday. Got quite alot of stuff done though not as near as what I wanted it to be. Completed my method and results section of the lab report, due next week. Also did my Week 5 tutorial for Stats (ended up calling my tutor over the phone and she said, "You do know it's a holiday?" I said, "Well, if I get it done now, I won't have to worry next week!") Haha. What else, oh, completed revision for Chapters 4 and 5 for Psych. Did my writing exercise for PR over WebCT. Completed my PR assignment which was due on Monday and also both iLects for last Tuesday's Psych and PR lectures which I missed due to a thunderstorm.

Yea, the weather in Perth is getting warmer too though I still use the heater. I wore 2 layers out on Thursday when I went to Garden City. Did the same yesterday, with just a t-shirt and jumper. And yes Kor! It's possible to sweat here haha. Over the past few weeks, when the sun was blaring down and I was walking up Hayward St to home, I was sweating like hell. Had to pull up my jumper to expose my arms so that I wouldn't sweat so. =S

Uni again next week. Urgh. Why can't they have a 2 week non-teaching week haha. Oh well, I can't complain. I shall look forward to the one in September haha. =)

Anyway you guys! Cheer up k! Life ain't all about studying. I will be flying home on the 26th of November. Haha, can't wait to be able to hug my parents again. *sneeeeeeeef* SBFF! Mr Aiken's album comes out in Singapore on September 18th! GO AND BUY OKAY!!! =D And it's a day earlier than US! Hehehe.

Tata you all.

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