trio drabble...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Frond Ferny - Gardening

Haha, am in the midst of having a flu but I just had fun! Wore the hat Kor bought for me in Aust. Wore a sleeveless tee in the open today!! Damn hot la today. (Normally it's under my long sleeve shirt hehe) Went to the garden and took tons of photos. The first two roses in Aunty Laura's garden has bloomed! They smell niceeee in spite of me having a flu and nose is running. =) I also went to pluck the strawberries. Plucked 12. I did pluck some overripe ones and soft ones and fed them to the chooks. They scrambled for it like us feeding seagulls with chips. Muahaha. Oh, and I caught my 2nd fly with the fly swatter too. Buzzing in the kitchen. He (or she) has no business to be in the house! Anyway it was yucky. When I took a tissue to pick it up, there were like little yellow maggots as well. EWWWWW. So I think it's a female.

Am soooo happy today! I got back my 2nd stats assignment and guess what? I got a HD for it!!! *jumps in joy* Update you guys! I'm not the only one alive here!

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