trio drabble...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Frond Ferny - Perth Royal Show 2006

Ahhh! Am feeling so excited! Just came back from the royal show. So fun! Haha. Let's recap. Andrew and Jialin came to the house at around 2.45pm to pick me up. Drove to the showgrounds. Parked at John's house cuz he kindly offered to let us park in his driveway. Walked into the showgrounds and saw tons of things. Wanted to go onto the bumper cars but we decided to walk first so we walked and walked. Went into the sheep area and touched a Marino sheep. They SMELL. Then CK called Jialin and told her they'd reached. It took a hell long time for us to meet up because there were like 4-5 bumper car stations! We did in the end and we decided to go on a ride. We decided on the ride that's like the Viking boats but it spins you 360deg. Haha, I was screaming my lungs off. I got lifted off my seat when we were upside down cuz I wasn't strapped down tight enough. Closed my eyes a couple of times with Jialin yelling beside me, "FERN! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!" Finished the ride. They were all fine. My legs were jelly and I was stumbling abit after the ride and they were like, "Eh, you ok anot?" Hahaha. Didn't get to ride the roller coaster. Darn. They said it was chicken. Grrrr. At least give me something I can tolerate and scream man! I personally think it's the thalessaemia that causes me to get giddy on rides that spin you round. Being upside down for a couple of seconds plus a few more times ain't peachy.

After the ride, we went for early dinner. 5.30pm. After dinner, walked around, looked for my showbag. We looked in a hell lot of places before finding it haha. I actually only got it because of the bags. There's a little shoulder bag, which I can use to put passport etc when I go home end of this year and a zebra sling bag which isn't too big and isn't too big. Very teen-girly! Then we went to the Japan Pavilion to see ASIMO (the most humanoid robot Honda has ever made) but they were only allowing little kids in because it was too full. DISCRIMINATION! I'm a kid toooooo!! *whines* Then, I saw the Animal Nursery and I naturally wanted to go in. Andrew followed as well. Jialin and gang, not realising we were missing from the pack, went on walking. Good god! In the nursery, saw ducklings, chicks, calf, lambs, donkey, piglets etc. There was also a Brahman bull. He was HUGE but he was like quiet and docile. Me thinks he's tired. There was also a sow with her piglets. She was sleeping though and the piglets were like at another corner. There was also a snake section. Andrew was looking at them and I walked towards him and I saw the snake. I turned tail immediately haha. Earlier, Jialin tried to scare me with a rubber snake and it worked muaaha. She was at a stall and I was walking towards the stall. I darted behind Andrew immediately and yelled at her, "Don't do that!" Hehe.

After we left the nursery, called Jialin and managed to catch up with them. They were at this soft toy shop because everything was at half price. Being a soft toy fan, I WANTED to buy something. I bought a small little dog and a green dragon which I named Snuffles. Andrew thinks her teeth are weird. *laughs* We then went to the Main Arena to wait for fireworks. It was C.O.L.D. The wind was blowing. I had 3 layers on and I was still shivering like mad. They had the Holden Stormriders doing tricks. It was wayyy cool. The Holden Stormriders drove vehicles that were like 350 horsepower! The first part was like a Holden sheepdog thing. There were 9 horses and 4 Holdens. The 9 horses had to round the Holdens up, much like a sheepdog does. Very nice! Then Jialin and Eugene complained of the cold so they went to walk around. I called Jialin after awhile and she didn't pick up so we all laughed and said she'd gone dating. *chuckles* They came before the fireworks started. When they started, I originally used my camera to take photos. Then I decided to videotape the fireworks. Laid down on Jialin's legs to take because they were high up and I was already shvering so badly, the best way was to lie down and take. The video did end up slightly jerky because I was shivering like C.R.A.Z.Y. The fireworks were marvellous but I was viewing them through my camera's LCD screen hehehe. They're much nicer than Singapore's National Day Parade fireworks man! They were in 2 sections and I captured them using my camera. 1st one's 1min 42secs. 2nd one was 9mins 11secs. When the fireworks were over, everyone cheered really loudly. We went our separate ways because CK and gang were taking the train home. As for us, we went to play somemore games because I wanted my big toy. *grin* Came upon this stall where you bought a slip of paper with 5 slots on it. Each slot had a number. If one of your numbers had a winning number, you got any of the BIG TOYS they had. I bought 2 tickets. First one drew nothing. DARN. Opened the first 4 slots of the second one...all NOTHING. I was praying, "Please please let the last one be something!" VOILA! Number 81. Winning number! WHEEEE! I happily went up there to pick my prize. Homer Simpson, which I had been seeing around for the entire day, sat there for me to pick but I somehow ended up picking a red dragon instead. Told them later the red dragon was a papa for Snuffles. *grin*Again, Andrew said his teeth looked weird.

After winning papa dragon (I still don't have a name for him yet) and me is satisfied, we decided to go for supper cuz we were hungry. Really hungry. Went to City Garden Chinese Restaurant which is famous for porridge. Their porridge was nice! We also ordered sizzling deep fried beancurd with chilli and salt and a plate of kailan cooked with garlic. It wasn't kailan anyway, don't know what it was. We finished the food and feeling bloated, we drove home. I drove home. *grin* Here I am, blogging haha! Here are a few photos! Some photos of the royal show, 1 of the stuff I got including what I won and the papa dragon. Had to take him separately. He wouldn't fit into the other photo. Let's see. I won a small black dog from the first game, drew blanks for 2. No. 3 was a 'fishing' game. You fished out a fish and the number on the fish would be your prize. I got 3 so I got this Freddy Flintstone toy. I think that's what he's called. This game also came with a chicken hat. *laugh* Bought dog and Snuffles. Won papa dragon. Yep!

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