trio drabble...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Frond Ferny - Exam time!

Merster is having his exams tomorrow...uh, I mean today. Maths, I'm told. Good luck dude! I told you A level people are trained very well for long exams. My maths exams were like 6 hours. 3 hours each, go imagine. Funny thing is, I could concentrate lol.

My exams start next Monday (13/11) with Stats. I'm not too frazzled about stats. I'm more worried about my foundation unit (15/11) and psych (20/11). Just did a practice paper just now and scored 57/70. That's barely a HD. I must do better man. =)

Not much updates from Aust. Snow pea plants have been cleared cuz they were dying. The runner beans are growing pretty fast. They taste like french beans. Hehe. Weather's getting hot. Mers Mork has been sleeping without her jacket and with the fan on at night. Sky gets bright at like 4am and it's broad daylight at 5am. Damn hard to sleep can! =p

Am sitting here blogging and eating cinnamon/nutmeg and malt biscuits at the same time. Haha, good life eh? Am off to uni later at about 8.50am to meet Dorothe and Sharon for another stats session. We're doing a practice paper tomorrow. I hope we all do the same paper. I've already done the '04 Sem 1 paper so hopefully it's not that one. Hahaha. I know you 2 are super stressed about exams but aren't we all? Remember A levels last year SBFF, we were both freaking out. We still did great! Don't worry about maths Merster, your professor's an idiot for setting papers everyone can't finish. That's absurd. They shouldn't be doing this.

Am off to entertain myself now. Watching videos or bla...


Tata. =)

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