trio drabble...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Frond Ferny - New Year, Power of the Metronome and...the timer function on a digital camera =)

Before I start, I'd like to say....HAPPPEEEE NEW YEAR!!! Hope 2007 will be a wonderful year for all of us!

Wasn't a very nice start to the year considering I had to send Merster off to Sydney in the morning. Didn't help I didn't have enough sleep either. *grin* Mum and Dad later surprised me by saying they would follow me back to Perth for CNY. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Nothing much has happened then. I baked Jia Lin's cake. It was yummy!! *grin* Made Mushroom and Cabbage rice a couple of days ago, got ROCH 1998 and am downloading 星锁 now haha. Don't know when it's gonna finish. NO seeds at all! Pfft.

Found the perfect height for my shoulder rest. *grin* So happy! That's a big big achievement. The correct height means my left shoulder doesn't tire as fast. Could play up to an hour just now adding to the half an hour I did earlier before dinner. *grin* Just asked Ying Ning just now which grade I was approximately at (because I was curious) and he said I am around Grade 4 now. *grin* Wheep! That's higher than my piano! Haha, of course, Dad says I'm up to Grade 8 in piano which IMO, is crap. Haha. I took 10 months to master Chopin's Nocturne Op.9 #2. People of true Grade 8 standard don't take that long. Anyway, that's a Grade 7 piece. Also, I've forgotten my scales so how to take exams haha. Violin scales are more fun although I currently find E major and minor very painful to play in the 4th position. My pinky's abit short so the stretch high up on the fingerboard is tiring and painful. *wince*

Tonight, I discovered the timer function on my digital camera and experimented. Here are some results. *grin* Sophia's getting the attention! Although I think Clay pops up somewhere in one of the photos. I'm not too sure haha.

Friday, January 05, 2007

charm: before school starts...

hey you guys! :)

all right, am bound for school in two days' time, but i guess all good things have to come to an end! the hols were pretty fruitful, being able to carol with both Resonance and the Voices, spent quite a substantial amount of time with family and close friends (although i reckon that i didn't spend enough time with yifang, who's leaving on sunday!!), and i got quite a number of new clothes as well! (thanks to the MANGO sale)

it was nice lunching with you guys and kelvin, and for our trio dinner, although the service was really quite disastrous (crappy rojak chef who was so half-hearted in serving me; fish soup with a spider; cold food and not-cold-enough eclairs), i think we had a pretty enjoyable time -- and i think i made the two of you laugh so much, the other patrons prolly thought we were a little crazy. :)

anyhow, just wanted to post this link of my song-blog! :D decided that i couldn't maintain a usual blog, so here's a blog containing a couple of my compositions, and i've put up a couple of links to my demos, so if you're interested, here it is!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy 2007

Hello all... Lock Gor Gor wishes one and all a very fruitful & pleasant 2007 ahead. May all your wishes (and those of your loved ones) come true and may all of you have good health & blessings.

Anyhow, I started off 2007 by... yes, you guessed it... flying back to Sydney. Rough weather along the way but I made it here. So four days have passed so far and it's basically, just been lessons, revision for test and eating and resting. Have not been eating too well the last few days because I caught a little cold on the plane. Nothing much to worry about, the doctor here says, just lots of rest and fluids. I am getting significantly better though... I definitely feel much better compared to when I first got here. Now, I just have to get rid of this nagging cough.

I also just found out that Qantas has changed my trip to Perth to a 767-300. Bahhh!! That does not have PTVs... the only reason I booked myself on that evening flight was because it was a 747 with the TVs. Now, I am crossing my fingers, hoping and praying hard that they will change it back. It is pretty infuriating! :(

The Calculus test today was nothing to shout about. The integrals were doable, I guess. Now, have to gear up for the Algebra test, which will come next Thursday. That one is guaranteed to be a killer.

On the other hand, I somehow managed to trip myself spectacularly at the Burrows Theatre earlier in the day and flipped and fell over chairs and the stairs. For that one moment, I really felt out of control 'cos I wasn't able to break my fall (or I hadn't fully come to the realisation that I was actually falling) and I was actually rolling down steps until someone standing in the vicinity actually stopped me. How I actually tripped, I don't recall but it wasn't a pleasant experience. It left me with a graze on my arm and another one on my knees. Ouch! :(

Anyway, I guess I better go prepare my dinner. Take care all! Lock Gor Gor will write soon...