Lock Gor Gor's Long Awaited Update...
Hello hello!! Here is Lock Gor Gor and he apologises for not having updated this in a zillion years!Anyways, I have a ton of pictures to show you guys... but here's the first one - my attempt at making a birthday cake for Benny's 23rd birthday. Surprise! Shhh... don't let the cat out of the bag, he doesn't know it yet. :P

Let's see now... first of all, I've successfully completed Math 1B in the summer with a final mark of ... 93%!!! Amazing feat!
And then, I went over to Perth to visit Mers Mork, Dad & Mom! I was rather cheesed that it was such a short time I had to spend with them, but those three days were really in essence, the best three days I had in a really long time. Sometimes, I really do wish I was over in Perth, rather than over here. I feel quite alone here, without relatives. I miss all of their company, and for the first few days after I came back to Sydney, I was kinda depressed. :(
New Session is in full swing already, and today will be the start of the 2nd week. Already, assignments are starting to pour in and I have to start reading to keep ahead. It isn't going to be an easy semester, since I decided to switch my minor from psyc to aviation and again, aviation is a subjective topic. And not to mention the ton of group assignments we're going to have... urrghhh!! Makes me feel like I already need another break!
Now, for a bit of good news... Mers is ATTACHED!!! OMG, can't believe I'm saying this. But because she hasn't permitted me to, I cannot reveal the lucky dude here except to say, he's in my university and I just met him last Thursday. He's a really chirpy fella, and I can quite safely say, he will definitely take excellent care of Mers. Now, if only they had a bit more time together.
Oh... I just finished baking a cake for Benny's birthday. It's gonna be on Tuesday. I'm gonna trot over to his place to cook up a pasta surprise and then of course, there's gonna be the birthday cake. What a grand plan! Just that, he doesn't know ANYTHING about it... Haha, the poor bugger! He seemed quite intent on tricking me into revealing the plans but of course, I'm sharper than that. :P
Well, what's there to look forward to in the future... David's birthday is in April, and I'm still thinking if I should go over to Brisbane to visit him. It will be his last semester there so I guess it's gonna be the final time. I probably won't go back to Brisbane for a long while after that, if I should go.
Okay, more updates later... Take care and lots of love!
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