trio drabble...

Friday, January 05, 2007

charm: before school starts...

hey you guys! :)

all right, am bound for school in two days' time, but i guess all good things have to come to an end! the hols were pretty fruitful, being able to carol with both Resonance and the Voices, spent quite a substantial amount of time with family and close friends (although i reckon that i didn't spend enough time with yifang, who's leaving on sunday!!), and i got quite a number of new clothes as well! (thanks to the MANGO sale)

it was nice lunching with you guys and kelvin, and for our trio dinner, although the service was really quite disastrous (crappy rojak chef who was so half-hearted in serving me; fish soup with a spider; cold food and not-cold-enough eclairs), i think we had a pretty enjoyable time -- and i think i made the two of you laugh so much, the other patrons prolly thought we were a little crazy. :)

anyhow, just wanted to post this link of my song-blog! :D decided that i couldn't maintain a usual blog, so here's a blog containing a couple of my compositions, and i've put up a couple of links to my demos, so if you're interested, here it is!

1 comment(s):

Very half-hearted indeed!

Did the attorney write a letter of complaint to the hotel?

On the flipside though, I'm going to write a letter of compliment to SIA, for the most outstanding crew I've had for my flight from Singapore to Sydney for a really long time!


By Blogger Lock Gor Gor, at 9:14 PM  

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