trio drabble...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

charm: one more to go...

had torts yesterday, and well, while it was hell of a scramble with time, managed to lump in as much as i could in two and a half hours. contract's on friday, at some crappy unearthly time of 2.30pm.

bah. i do not like afternoon papers. always have no idea what to do in the morning. but well, technically, the contract paper isn't exactly an "exam" per se, because they call it a "mid-year test", but arrgh, the studying is really quite daunting, although it's only 7 topics. and it's closed book! how on earth am i supposed to write an ESSAY on the topic when i don't even know the content well! -dies- and at least for torts, we had two and a half hours for 2 questions, but for contract, it's the same amount time for THREE questions. one essay and two hypotheticals! my god. i have no idea how i'm going to sit through it. a couple of my friends were commenting that we'd probably be more preoccupied with the fact that we'd have too much time on our hands due to the lack of points to write. -chuckles-

oh well, just have to stay positive about things, i guess. apparently they're all out to test us on concepts, so i guess i'll need to focus more on the text than the cases. spent an entire day mugging for this topic on the breach of contract. bah, took longer than expected. but well, at least i managed to complete it! -beams-

ok, i must be boring you guys with my law stuff again. -sheepish-

on a lighter note! carolling! :D will be carolling with the nus a cappella group (we're called resonance!) on the 16th and 20th dec, location not confirmed yet. prolly at some shopping mall, if i'm not wrong. as for HC carolling, will be singing at the fullerton hotel from the 21st to the 25th dec, every evening. ahh can't wait to start carolling, especially with the HC choir. it's a family affair. :)

all righty! time to get back to contract law mugging. see ya guys soon!

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