trio drabble...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Frond Ferny - I'm HOME!

YEA, I'm home! Of course, I know both of you know it hehe since I've already been out with SBFF since I came back. I want another outing hehe! Schindler's List! Yea. Hehe. Haven't done much since I came back. My flight was full! There was even someone beside me! Grr. Anyway, the guy was nice enough but he was kinda on the large side so my middle armrest was gone PLUS I found a new way to sleep on planes! *grin* I shall so try that next time. Didn't cry this time when I hugged Mum like I did last year. *grin* I actually teared abit when the plane landed because I suddenly felt overwhelmed. It's like, "I'M HOME! I'M HOME!" I may complain and whine about Singapore (especially the weather because I really hate the humidity hehe) but I do love my home.

Results will be out on 2nd July. I really don't know how I'll do. I haven't been as conscientious this semester as I was. Sigh. I already have a C for Critical and Creative Thinking, which is kinda expected lol.

Am so happy that I can play my piano again. =) I prefer my piano to Aunty Laura's actually hehe. Aunty Laura's piano is less err...bouncy. Don't know how to describe. The touch is just different. The home one is more similar to a grand. Got myself a new shoulder rest. Bon Musica. It's super huge so it can't go into my case. =( It's very very adjustable though. I'm still trying to find the optimum adjusts for myself. *grin* It's expensive though. =S $79.80. Lol. Got Aunty Laura a Creative Zen V Plus 4GB player. Am ripping quite a fair bit of Papa's cd collection so that I can put it into her player. I also got Ben his birthday present as well which is shared between all 3 of us. Hope he likes it. *grin* Mum says she's gonna get me a player too whee! I'm gonna keep my old player though. It's served me very well but the battery's drains pretty quickly and it stores only 60+ songs hehe.

Am off now. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Probably surf around a little more and off to Sophia later. Tata all!

Listening to: Grieg's Piano Concerto in A- 1st M - Allegro molto moderato

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