trio drabble...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Frond Ferny - National Day Party Photos

Hear ye! Hear ye! Haha, here are the awaited photos of the National Day Party we had in the Tavern on 9th August! Enjoy! Photos were taken with Val's camera. Thanks to Cherie for sending it to me! =D

Monday, August 28, 2006

charm: adapting to law school...

well well well! i see we all have been making the effort to post from time to time! :) nice work done over the study break, fern! stay positive about maths, weng lock! no one said uni was gonna be easy man... and for me, i'm kinda getting the hang of law school, this being the third week of being in it.

for starters, i got my first assigment back today, and i did better than expected! got a B+, which to me, is like a really great encouragement! i've always been quite an average (and sometimes below average) student -- when the comparison is done relative to my oh-so-brilliant peers, so a B+ is a pretty decent grade for me, and well, affirmation is always heartening! got another assignment to be submitted this saturday, and that, is the big one. contributes to 10% of the final grade, so well, more effort and time put into that, i suppose. it's called a closed memorandum, and it's basically a prediction of how a case will likely to be ruled by the Court, using other existing cases as reference and justification. Quite lengthy cos we've got a substantial amount to write, but we're working with a word limit of only 1000. a big test of my summarising abilities. bah. i was never known for being concise. it's time i started learning how to.

hang in there, folks. we're all in the same boat! :)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Frond Ferny - Layer ditching

Glad to see you both updated! Was beginning to think if I was the only one alive hehe. It's Ben's birthday today. Remember to wish him happy birthday Kor! Hah. Anyway, it's the end of my non-teaching week aka holiday. Got quite alot of stuff done though not as near as what I wanted it to be. Completed my method and results section of the lab report, due next week. Also did my Week 5 tutorial for Stats (ended up calling my tutor over the phone and she said, "You do know it's a holiday?" I said, "Well, if I get it done now, I won't have to worry next week!") Haha. What else, oh, completed revision for Chapters 4 and 5 for Psych. Did my writing exercise for PR over WebCT. Completed my PR assignment which was due on Monday and also both iLects for last Tuesday's Psych and PR lectures which I missed due to a thunderstorm.

Yea, the weather in Perth is getting warmer too though I still use the heater. I wore 2 layers out on Thursday when I went to Garden City. Did the same yesterday, with just a t-shirt and jumper. And yes Kor! It's possible to sweat here haha. Over the past few weeks, when the sun was blaring down and I was walking up Hayward St to home, I was sweating like hell. Had to pull up my jumper to expose my arms so that I wouldn't sweat so. =S

Uni again next week. Urgh. Why can't they have a 2 week non-teaching week haha. Oh well, I can't complain. I shall look forward to the one in September haha. =)

Anyway you guys! Cheer up k! Life ain't all about studying. I will be flying home on the 26th of November. Haha, can't wait to be able to hug my parents again. *sneeeeeeeef* SBFF! Mr Aiken's album comes out in Singapore on September 18th! GO AND BUY OKAY!!! =D And it's a day earlier than US! Hehehe.

Tata you all.

First of all, Lock Gor Gor must apologise for procrastinating, but he has been busy with his school work (drowning, if you prefer)...

Anyway, just as an update, because Lock Gor Gor will be taking Maths in the summer semester, so he will only return for X'mas. At the moment, he's going to arrives into Singapore on 21 Dec. He will only get to spend 10 days in Singapore, which is pretty sad, but that's better than nothing I guess.

I had a Maths test on this last Thursday, which didn't go too well so I don't wish to talk about it.

Weather in Sydney is improving... in fact, the last week, I wasn't really wearing my jacket and I was actually walking around in my T-shirt and pants. How nice that feels after you have been wearing the Army's No. 3 uniform for so long. But it's getting very hot and I actually perspired on one of the days last week because the air just wasn't cold. When the wind came, it was all hot air! Gosh... thank god the bus was air-conditioned! If not, we'll all be cooked inside.

I will update more when I feel like it... :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

charm: positively dying...

it's just been one week at law school, and i already feel terribly drained... reading law is indeed tough -- especially for someone like me, who isn't all that well-read (thus making my general knowledge near zilch as compared to my learned friends at law) and well-versed with local politics. i guess it's partly because i don't always read the papers (am trying to make a point to do so now), and that my parents don't bother with politics at all! i mean, some of my friends actually discuss politics with their parents over a meal, and i always think to myself: it's definitely impossible to do so with my parents. over the weekend i just asked my mum on whether she knew what GRCs were, and she was like "some grassroots thing?" and i was like "noooo!!!!!" sigh... it's so gonna be a tough 4 years for me man...

submitted my first assignment online, and it was more like a gamble and a trial and error sorta thing. was mostly unsure of what to include, and struggled with the analysis and breaking down of the case... the thing about reading cases is that, the judges usually come to the same conclusion with regards to the verdict/appeal, but they have slightly different reaons as to how they came to this conclusion. and so when you read the judgments of the different judges, you're supposed to pick out their main crux of their judgment and see how it differs from the rest of the judges. it's a hell tough job to do, because at first glance, all their points seem to be the same! they're deceptively similar! and it doesn't help that the language they use in their judgments are so complicated, it's virtually impossible to find the differences in their judgments! -dies-

and apart from that, we've still got lotsa other readings to do... lectures are conducted very generally, and they seem to be more of a huge discussion session facilitated by the lecturer, rather than an informative lesson. hence one has to go in prepared with a clear idea of the topic for the day, and be prepared to be intellectually stimulated by the points brought up during the lecture, and possibly, be prepared to chip in with a point or two as well. which i obviously haven't -- and can't do. the thing is, it's not that i don't put in the effort to prepare, but if you take a look at the language used in my law textbooks, it's not exactly palatable and digestible on a first read. and with the piling lot of readings and preparations for other subjects in this sem as well, i can't possibly read the text a second time, due to the lack of time! -yanks hair-

am positively sinking and drowning, but i guess the redeeming factor is that i can swim -- it's just a matter of how much effort i put into the swimming in order to keep me afloat and get me to the other end of the ocean in 4 years' time.

just my two cents worth of complaints. -grins-

Friday, August 18, 2006

Frond Ferny - I Made It! =) And the chooks...

I've done it. I've survived 3 weeks alone. =) I'm quite proud of myself actually aside from a very frightening thing that happened yesterday night. I woke up at 3.27am terribly hungry. My stomach was extremely painful. I hobbled into the kitchen and tried to quickly make a cup of Milo because my surroundings were going white which probably meant I was close to fainting. =S. It's really freaky. I never felt so afraid before. I was so afraid I would just collapse on the floor like that and no one would find me till the morning. =S Note to self: Drink Milo before bed or at least eat something hahah. I didn't eat last night. I guess it can't work here. My body burns energy faster to keep me warm so I guess I have to keep refuelling myself. =)

Aunty Laura brought dragonball biscuits and a whole host of stuff back from Penang haha. I got fetched from school today so I reached home at 1.45pm. Haha! Played piano in the afternoon! I figured out the little ornamental on the 3rd page FINALLY and I've perfected the first set of demisemiquaver fingerings. =) It's more performance standard now! Whee! Haha.

Anyway, I took some photos of the chooks living in the backyard today. Did you know chooks can fly? Gosh. One of them actually flew out of the coop yesterday and into the neighbour's backyard. Took Uncle Terry half an hour to catch it. *laughs* Here are some photos! The last one is a native Australian flower called Geraldton Wax. It grows in Aunty Laura's garden. Her garden has many many flowers! In the backyard, there are strawberries, bananas, rhubarb, roses, daisies, potatos and tons of chilli haha. Mini vegetable plot lol!

Monday, August 14, 2006

charm: first day at law school...

and so, after the two of you have gradually settled into the aussie uni courses you guys are each doing respectively, i have finally started on my first day at law school today! mmm now let's look at the different aspects of going to school/being in school today.

1) transportation
- took me about an hour plus to get to the bukit timah campus (btc). not unlike getting to hwa chong actually. :) pretty familiar route, so that was quite all right. not much of a jam in the morning, so things went pretty ok. met jon at the bus stop (he was on the bus right behind mine), so at least i had company on the way into the campus!

2) the campus
- honestly, the campus was (and still is) more unfinished than finished. the only venues we could use today, were just the classrooms for our LAWR (legal analysis, writing and research) tutorials, the canteen (it's like a puny food court), and the multi-purpose auditorium that was used for lectures. both the law year 1s and 2s were in school for lessons today, so you can just imagine the huge crowds of people... -shudders- the whole place is like a construction site, and basically, it's hard to navigate your way around, cos there aren't many concrete (literally) buildings around to act as some forms of identifying your exact location. it's just piles of cement, construction workers, and metal enclosures. oh. and the lifts are dead slow. the stairs are a better alternative.

3) the lectures/tutorials
- we got to law school, and everyone's allocated their personal locker that's filled with the essential notes we need for lectures and the modules for the semester. and goodness. there was at least 7cm worth of notes. and the bulk of the thickness went to the readings for tort law. good god. so heavy. and well, everyone received their timetables in the lockers as well, and we were basically panicking to see if we missed anything. my lessons are pretty evenly spread out, and most of my days start at about 11am and end about 345 pm, except monday where i start at 9am and end at 515pm, and disgusting thursday where i start at 2pm and end at 715 pm. ugh. i rather have a packed timetable but resulting in earlier days. well, gary was commenting that the double degree people would prolly have earlier days, cos they may need to cheong other modules in other sems to complete the law portion of their double deg for the year or something.

- lectures and tutorials were fine.. getting used to school all over again, and concentrating during lectures... and good god, the tutorial groups are small! 12 people per group! michelle's together with me in the tutorial groups, so it's pretty cool! :) there are like 5 hc people in my tutorial group, so it's quite nice to have familiar company...

- i've already got an assignment to be due this saturday. amazing isn't it? O.o i have to start reading up on all my cases given to me. and they're like A LOT. please wish my brain and concentration all the best man... been reading cases on drink-driving, spectator getting injured by galloping horse in a competition, and how to dissect cases by things called rules...

4) in essence
- gotta be all geared up for more to come! :)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Frond Ferny - GSA

Went for the GSA in the morning. Good god, the written component was horrible haha. Almost fell asleep. 2nd part was MCQ so it was quite alright. I finished about 40mins ahead of time lol. Then, Jia Lin, Me, Nathanael and Jonathan were thinking of where to go for lunch. We were originally going to go to Garden City but it started raining so we went to Sir Walter's Cafe instead. Not very nice. *wince*

Aunty Susan came to fetch me and brought me to her place. She cooked the lettuce and carrots I gave her. Whee. 4 days of veggie. No need to buy from Imperial Wok! =) Anyway, I took down my laundry today and played some piano. Cooked chicken and sweetcorn soup though a little disaster happened. When I was trying to yank the cover off, it suddenly came off really fast and some toppled onto the stove, and on the floor. Eeeks. Then I cooked rice. Crap. Too little water haha. Next time, I'll flood the rice. *laughs* Dinner today was yummy! I didn't eat the jelly though. I might later hehe. Here's a picture! Haha. I ate dinner whilst watching Mary Poppins. There's Sound of Music tomorrow. Must watch! Haha. Alrightey, I don't have much to type already. Tata!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Frond Ferny - End of Week 3

Hello SBFF! Haha, 'errhem' didn't reply. Haha, apparently, my email to him is delayed. Damn transparency. That isn't transparency if the email has to be screened! Pfft. Lol, I don't know what to type lol. Hehe. Home and Jia are on my mp3 player now. =) So nice hehe. Going for the Generic Skills Assessment tomorrow. Hope I do fine hehe.

I seriously don't know what to type. Except a black dog ran into the backyard yesterday whilst I was doing laundry. The back door was open. I got such a huge shock. I quickly shut the back door in case he came in and ruined my clothes. =)

I don't know what to say la haha. I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home, I miss home. Lol.


charm: inevitable drifting...

uni life's just started chugging along slowly, with orientation stuff taking place, and matriculation week ending... the nus matric/orientation week's ending with this thing called rag day, which is part of this nus orientation event called rag & flag. basically the freshmen of every faculty are involved in the two parts of this event -- mainly the 'rag' component, and the 'flag' component. the latter speaks for itself. it's a flag day that involves (supposedly) all nus students spread over singapore selling flags. we were clad in turquoise coloured tees, so it was hell obvious where we were. as for the rag component, it's kinda like a mini chingay parade. for huge faculties like engineering and arts faculties, they'd put up a float and a presentation -- usually a dance item of some sort, with a running theme with their float. and for smaller faculties like us in law, it's just the presentation. not all people in law are involved though, but i guess i'm looking forward to seeing the law presentation tomorrow at rag! a couple of my friends are involved, so i think it should be pretty exciting. :)

it's just dawned on me this week, that it's really quite inevitable that friends drift apart once they enter uni... it's just the first week on uni -- and actual school lessons haven't even started yet, and i'm already feeling the effects of drifting. it just kinda seems so weird and perhaps even wrong, to drop a friend a text message to ask if he/she is doing all right and stuff like that... it's almost as if there's been this veil that's separated people, and that everyone just thrives in their own faculty and minds their own business, and that people whom they originally maintained such close and intimate friendships with, just seem so much less significant and less important now...

perhaps it's just the huge campus that separates people; but then again, the campus size should never be an excuse if friends make the effort to keep in touch. or perhaps it's just the fact that we all belong to different faculties, which makes the possibility of bumping into one another almost near zlich; but then again, it's always about the effort as well... and what makes matters worse, is that my faculty is located away from the rest of the campus, which makes chances of randomly bumping into people virtually impossible. which is why i so need to get a cca that gets me back to the kent ridge campus and get me acquainted with more people of other faculties. am thinking of auditioning for this acappella group in nus.. they performed during our freshmen inauguration ceremony, and i was quite impressed! i've always wanted to sing in an acappella group, so well, i really really really hope i get past the auditions... -prays hard-

well, just some random thoughts as usual. :) take care you guys! and WENG LOCK, PLEASE POST!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Frond Ferny - Happy Birthday my dear Singapore!

FIRST!!! I'd like to wish Singapore a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! =) I love you! *muacks!* Funny how it takes being away for you to love your country so much. We humans have warped minds haha. Anyway, got up at 6.10am today and it was sooooo bloody cold. Well, try wearing only 2 layers whilst the outside temperature is 4deg. hahah. Got to school and went into the refectory straight cuz my entire face was numb from cold. I needed something HOT. I bought the pumpkin soup. Mmmm! Nice! Went for Stats lect after that and was sleepy hehe.

Then I went for my Psych testing. Maths Competency. The paper was super easy lah. Finished in half the time given. Originally going to join Cheryl, Nathanael and Lukas for lect but Cheryl told me the lect was already full so I went into the library to pass time and met Sharon. We went for her pronounciation skills class by TLC. I got partnered with a guy doing his Phd from Johor haha. He asked me how come I was here and I told him I was only accompanying a friend. He said, "Haha, obviously. You don't sound like you need a pronounciation class." So I helped him along with the pronounciation. He couldn't quite get 'photography' and 'photographer' right lol. At 11.30am, I went to join the guys for lect. Met Jonathan there so we all sat together. Took out my lappy and started fiddling with Excel. Learnt how to draw histograms and draw regression stuff. Whee!

Lunch was at The Lunch Box. $4.90 for Terriyaki Chicken and Steamed Rice. I thought it was quite nice although Nathanael and Cheryl made us laugh hysterically over their stories of microwaved insects. Went for my PR tut after that. Then went to Jia Lin's flat to wait till 6pm because that was when our National Day celebration would begin. We ended up going there close to 7pm.

The celebration was held in the tavern. When we arrived, the NDP was being screened so I was obviously very happy! =) Felt so at home with so many Singaporeans there haha. When the President arrived in the National Stadium, most of us all stood up and sang the National Anthem. Shiok man! =) Then we ate dinner and sat around whilst watching the parade. When the parade ended, all of us stood up to take the pledge and sang the National Anthem once more. There were cheers all round. Everyone there felt really proud to be Singaporean haha. So patriotic. =) We had a mini quiz after that. I knew all the answers but I only went up to answer the question, "Who gave the name Singapura to Singapore?" The answer is Sang Nila Utama but it seemed alot of people didn't know it lol. The prize was some local sweets found back home but in no way found here. =) I had loads of fun there basically. And I met Mel too! Finally! Haha.

Aunty Susan took me home after that and I quickly showered. Damn cold! =p Talked to Mum and Dad awhile. Sent an email (errhem SBFF! =)), talking to other friends and here I am! Haha. So this is how I spend National Day this year. The Singapore flag WAS up at Murdoch International today. They had it up last Wednesday! Wheee!!! I felt very very homesick today la. When we were watching the parade, Cherie told me, "I feel like going home right now." Sigh. I felt the same. I think alot of us did. After the parade, they did show us a slideshow and the song was Kit Chan singing Home. Oh my god. Tears came into my eyes but I didn't cry. Hehe. Miss home soooo much. Oh well, I guess we only appreciate home better when we're away. Cherish Singapore SBFF! Otherwise next time go overseas to study ah, aiyooooo...hehehe. I'll post photos when I get them!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

charm: the gorgeous night sky...

the night sky is so beautiful tonight.

was walking home just now, and happened to glance at the sky as i approached the lift lobby. at first glance, the sky just looks plain dark, with some little flecks of stars that twinkle from time to time. but when you start to keep your glance at the night sky slightly longer, you realise that there are so many stars that go unnoticed at first glance, but manage to catch your eye if you're willing to look closer, and longer.

and at that point in time, i thought to myself: how nice if i could just lie down on the ground with someone i love, and watch the night sky, in companionable (is that spelt correctly?) silence; enjoying each other's company and presence...

i'm in a hell romantic mood. don't mind me. just some food for thought, i guess.

Friday, August 04, 2006

charm: old memories; new beginnings...

hello! please look at new template! :) i personally think it's quite nice! well for one, there's green stuff, which is significant of dear fern (i mean, since she IS some sort of fern -chuckles-), there's brown stuff, which kinda reminds me of weng lock, since we bought him a lovely brown shirt the last time round, and you see the orange swirls there on where the title is? that's me! :)

haha pardon the lameness, it's just me at work. heehee. :)

ah well, the "new beginnings" entry title not only refers to the new template, but also my thoughts on other things. the obvious one would prolly be the beginning of uni -- the new school term starts next monday, 7 aug, with all the orientation stuff and the like, and lectures/lessons start on the 14th. it is kinda weird, cos the law campus is at bukit timah, and away from the rest of the faculties back at kent ridge. it's as if we're some elite group that's occupying this exclusive location at bukit timah.. haven't quite decided on what cca/school activities i'll join, cos initially, i was contemplating taking on the muggertoad role in uni... then my friends were commenting that they didn't want to spend 4 years of uni life plain studying, and they want to make life as happening as possible... and i'm thinking, being in the segregated campus in bukit timah, it's gonna be hard to get really involved in school activities... but then again, campus life is self-created, so technically, nothing can really stand in my way if i really want to have my own vibrant campus life. -shrugs- guess it's just a minor case of cold feet.

finally purchased my laptop from nus today. it's in the midst of being charged. i tell you, i am such a dino when it comes to computer stuff. i don't really bother what resolution the lcd screen has, i don't bother how big the RAM (god knows what that stands for...) is, and all i know is how to use it -- the basic stuff. tech-idiot-charm. -grins-

was just reading a birthday card i received from a close friend for my 18th birthday... and i found myself crying bucketfuls as i read. you know how sometimes friends drift apart once they leave school, and that you don't realise how much you've drifted until you read/look at something that reminds you of how close you two were in the past? well, i mean the two of us are still talking on a regular basis now, and we still meet up pretty often, but somehow, the feeling is just different. and i can't help but miss the way things were when we were still back in jc.. he's just... not as happy and carefree as before, and looking at the contents of the card he gave me last year, just can't help but miss the old him... how i would just receive text messages from him at random times of the day; how we'd have long chats online, despite it being a school night; and the encouragement he gave me when i was down... it's not that i don't get all of the above from him now, but it's just different now.. he just seems... distant.. perhaps i'm just being too sensitive, or perhaps i'm just a stickler for holding on to old (and seemingly better) memories, and comparing them with my current situation at present... or maybe it's because i never had such a close friendship with a guy before, which is why i can't quite come to terms with this inevitable drifting... OR. i'm falling for this friend of mine. -pulls hair and pinches self- not. happening.

just some food for thought. :) very unlike me to type long entries, but haha i actually did so for this one!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Frond Ferny - Thursday, August 3rd 2006

Ok, I admit it's a lame title but I don't know what to put as title! Oh well, today was a normal day. Woke up at 7.30am. Thought I would wear shoes for a change today. Who would have expected it would start raining at 8.15am!!! Gah. Had to change into boots. Walked to bus stop in slight rain. My black jacket was slightly wet. Slept on 187. Woke up and almost forgot to get off the bus haha. Called Nathaniel and asked him where he was. The 3 of them (Cheryl, Nathaniel and Lukas) were in front of TLC cuz he needed to change his lab time. We all sat there for half an hour laughing about dissections and injections lol. Then I went for my CT workshop. Stats lecture was at 12.30pm. Met Sharon and Cyrus and sat there for 50 minutes. Our lecturer has this innate ability to make Sharon and I both very sleepy so we both occupied ourselves with what you will see below whilst listening to him talk about Population and Sample Variance. I, of course, boxed the formulae and knew what he was talking about but without what we did today, I would fallen asleep on the table. Cyrus was highly amused when I showed him what we had done muahaha. Enjoy the pictures! Pardon the layout. I was originally going to put like 3 in a row. Apparently, blogspot doesn't allow me to do so! =p
I'm so proud of myself today haha. I got home and did my LAUNDRY!!! =) Lol. I was terribly curious so I kept opening the cover for the washing machine whilst it was 'at work'. At one point during the spinning, I opened it and the chamber was spinning so fast. I suddenly felt very frightened and let the lid bang down shut lol. I did 2 sets of washing (coloured and white clothes). Anyway, my clothes ended up being stuck to the side of the machine after it was done. I was very amused by it! =D

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Frond Ferny - Week 2 of Term

Haha, today marks the one week anniversary of me stepping into that puddle of water. It didn't rain this morning. THANK GOD!!! =) Haha. Got to school early and waited for Sharon. Went for Stats lecture. Quite boring really but I managed to stay awake for the important bits haha. Lecture finished at 9.20. Sharon went to TLC for her WS whilst I went outside to meet Nathaniel. Went to renew my OSHC. Cheryl, Lukas, Nathaniel and me went into the Refectory for Brunch. Talked and talked and laughed ALOT lol. Went to ECL1 for BIO152 (all 3), MAS183 (2 boys) and PEC114 (all 3). And me? I sat in there reading my PR book. During the Chem lect, I was too sleepy to carry on so I gave up haha. Yep. Nathaniel told me about the 116 bus route yesterday night and we were going to try it out today. He's so sweet la haha, his lectures were over at 1.30pm. He waited till I finished at 4pm then we went to see the bus stop. Unfortunately, 116 would only come at 5.16pm so I had to take 194. Awww...

At Booragoon Bus Stn, I went to the big board to see the list of buses and times. There was also a list of the buses that go to each suburb. I looked at Murdoch and it said 940, 187, 194, 116. 116 was ruled out because the frequency is like one every hour plus. 940 is VERY frequent but I don't know where it stops. Gotta find out. 187 and 194 are the buses I take now. Oh well. Yepyep. Got home, wanted to buy veggie from Imperial Wok but found it was closed. They apparently close on Wednesdays. GAH. I got abit panicky cuz although I loath veggies, I have to eat them. I was thinking maybe I could eat the raw cabbage in the fridge lol. (So despo!) When I got home, I found baked beans in the fridge and thought, "Hey, maybe that can be my veg!" I ate baked beans, the remaining chicken and rice I cooked yesterday. I showered at 6pm today so the bathroom was freezing. Hehe. Lure of fanfic. SBFF, all your great fault! =) I was reading KBOW fics but not alot already lol.

ANYWAY!!!! Murdoch International put up the Singapore flag today! Picture below! Haha. Oh well, if they put it up today, would they put it up next Wednesday? Next Wednesday is National Day. Sigh, we're all going to be homesick then. Hehe. It's weird isn't it? When you're in Singapore, we complain so much about this and that and wish we're overseas. When we're overseas, we band together with other Singaporeans and talk endlessly about home. *shrug* I guess the phrase 'the grass is always greener on the other side'. I'm not saying Perth's bad. Oh well, the only things I don't like here is that the weather does get abit cold, the rains are quite brutal (too windy), the bus frequency STINK. However, Singapore's too hot (humid!). Haha. But other than that, I love my country. Even Nathaniel, who's been here since Yr9, wants to go back to SG to work but for him, it's because his career will not take off here cuz he's doing Biotech haha. When we told him they would need to shave his head for NS, his face got abit scared haha.

I think I might try 940 home tomorrow. Hope that the bus stop is near! Then I don't need to take that long walk for 194 haha. Grr. I don't know what else to say already hehe. POST YOU GUYS!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A la Ms Loh style, I shall put all my photos up in my Photobucket...

Please visit... thanks! :)