trio drabble...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

picture link!

haha ok, nothing too much, just wanted to post the link for my xiamen pictures! please enjoy!

Friday, July 28, 2006

charm: back from xiamen!

hey guys! am finally back in singapore from xiamen! :) well, we came back with a gold medal for our contemporary music category, and a silver medal for our sacred music category. it's been such a roller-coaster-ish journey leading up to this competition, and honestly, everything didn't really take shape until two days before competition. we lost focus and concentration on stage for our sacred category -- was a hell tough category, and it was our first attempt at singing sacred music, so really, a silver medal is already very heartening. as for our contemp category, we actually sang right after the category winner, and they were like SUPER GOOD! ms lim was initially worried that we would get affected by them, especially when we heard them sing their entire repertoire before we were up, but we remained calm, focused, and woohoo! we got the gold medal! :D

am so thankful that i got the chance to be part of this competition group, with all my fantastic seniors in alumni, and we made it thus far together. so many of them are leaving the alumni soon, to focus on uni studies and future plans... i'm gonna miss all of them... at the airport yesterday, after we took our group picture, we kinda realised that this was the last time we'd be together as the xiamen 06 choir olympics group...

one thing that's really heartening about being in the hc voices, is that despite the fact that the age gaps between the oldest member and the youngest member is pretty significant, there isn't a bridge among the members at all. no one bears grudges, no one judges you, and there's just this love for one another... it's just like being part of a huge family...

on a more personal note, it hurts to learn that some of my batch mates won't be staying in alumni once uni starts. most are contributing on a project basis, while some are leaving for good... things just somehow won't be the same again, without them around...

will be posting the link for my xiamen pictures soon! so keep a lookout for them!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Life at UNSW

Hello ! After reading Mers Mork's post, I kinda share the same "heart attack" sentiments whenever the bus starts becoming like 5 or 10 minutes behind schedule. Reason is cuz it screws up my connection at Railway Square... and I have had the misfortune of disembarking from 501 only to see 393 or 395 pull away from the stop. Urrghhh!!

Oh anyway, school's started. I have tidied up my room a little bit (please don't panic when you see the photos cuz my desk is not normally that messy - I took out the camera bag that's why it looks a little crowded). Anyway, school's tough. I've been trying very hard to catch the lectures for Math and the Microprocessors module and I'm still trying to prep before I actually attend the lecture but looks like it's going to be a lot of background reading needed. It scares me to think that I have only been following possibly 10 or 20% of what the lecturer is saying.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that I may have to stay on here for the summer semester, which is from Nov to Feb. Reason being that I am taking Math 1A this semester and the module following that, which is Math 1B, is not offered in Session 1 commencing in Feb. What that means of course, is that I will either have to take 1B during summer sem OR wait till the next S2 2007 (Jul 07). I don't know which one I'd rather prefer but I don't want to be trapped here, I want to go back in Nov!! Today, I saw SQ fly over me on the way to Singapore and I was like... "Don't Leave Me Here!!!... Take Me With You..." Sighz...

Other than that, my life's been pretty ok. Well, not as if that is not hectic enough but, I got a few stuff done. I went down to DIMIA in Central today to get a label for my passport so that people will stop questioning the authenticity of my eVisa. I also tried to go down to the Road Transport Authority at Wynyard to get my NSW drivers licence... and the irritating woman there was so rude as to say - No Money Come Back Later! (menacingly by the way)...

I'm starting to realise that the people here aren't as friendly as famed. The only people who've really treated me well are the HSBC people, the lady over at Dymocks as well as the friendly chap over at Borders along Pitt Street when I went to enquire about my textbooks. The Asians are especially rude I find, and this is something that is quite surprising to me. I shall not put over here what I think about this lest I get sued for it...

Anyway, off to get my dinner... see ya girls soon! Take care...

Frond Ferny's 3rd day at Uni

Haven't posted since start of school. Quite some stuff happened. This week is a RAINY week in Perth. Gah. On Monday, we had our foundation unit lecture. Watched a movie after the 1st hour. Quite interesting. Went out with Esther to Garden City after class. We waited for the 1.32pm Bus187. When it pulled into the stop, Esther said to wait till the driver signals for us to board. Then, the bus reversed and doors opened. However, no one boarded. Esther said normally alot of people would board. As a result, 187 moved off. WE DID NOT BOARD THE BUS. Oh my god. I was soooo shocked haha. Esther kept apologising for her error. Toot la you girl! =p We ended up walking out to South St to take 194. Those are the 2 buses I can take to uni btw. I prefer 187 because it stops inside campus haha. If I take 194, it's a 10-15min walk to Bush Court. Whilst we were walking down the road we saw 194 at the junction so we ran to the stop. Then, we saw the bus turn right. And I was like, "HEY! Where's he going!" Esther said most probably went to Murdoch Park 'n' Ride before coming back to the stop so we made our way to the stop. 194 came after some time. I was already quite wet haha. The back part of my jeans (below the knee) all wet. Thankfully, it dried in Garden City before I got home. Got a beanie there and am contemplating on a pair of insulation gloves. Esther was totally drenched because a truck or van driver drove right past her whilst she was walking out of her bus stop. (Un)fortunately for her, the vehicle drove into a huge puddle of water and yup, you guessed it. She got a free shower when the sky was already showering Perth's plains. =)

Yesterday, we had our first Psychology lecture. VERY interesting! Haha. Took like 7 pages of notes. I'm satisfied with myself man. Went home and reviewed them. Didn't get much in. Today, woke up at 6.15am. So early can! I wake up at 6.15am when I need to go JJC not here! =p Anyway, I was running a little late. Must wake up at 6.05am next time. Normal routine. Wake up, pull covers over (cuz I don't mess the bed up much so logic is that, if I don't mess it up too much, I don't have to spare so much effort in making the bed =p), go to kitchen put a half cup of water into microwave to heat up. Then, it's off to the bathroom to brush teeth. When I come out, my hot water is ready so I make my milo and set it on the dining table. For the past few days, I've been eating biscuits for breakfast so I'll bring the biscuit container down from the top of the fridge as well. Then I go back into my room to change into my clothes. I hate that part cuz my body's warm from my own body heat and I have to wear COLD clothes. Bah. I normally wear about 3-4 layers. I went to 5 on Monday cuz I did not take my black windbreaker with me. After I finish changing, I'll comb and clip my hair, put moisturizer onto my face and lipgloss on my lips, chuck my comb and lipgloss into my bag. Then, I'll take my keys, handphone and my mp3 player (out of my bag), my Goldheart water bottle, my black windbreaker, bag (and occasionally scarf) and bring them all into the kitchen. I grab a plate, turn on the TV to ABC and watch TV while I have breakfast. I watch ABC cuz they've got cartoons on haha. I'm so kiddy man. Today, as I walked out of the door, it started to rain. I quickly put on my scarf whilst walking down the road to the busstop. Beanie was on. I hurriedly pulled my windbreaker's hood over my head. I took out my (now) pathetic umbrella (3 of the spokes have come off and I have to keep putting them back) and opened it. One of the spokes refused to stay on. CRAP. When I got to the junction at Hayward St and Marmion St, I stepped into a HUGE puddle of water. SPLASH! And I went , "SHIT." The entire part below my right knee got drenched (cuz my right leg stepped into the middle of the puddle). With such a big splash, my left leg obviously got abit of the morning leg bath. I reached the busstop, flicked my umbrella dry and tried (VERYYY hard) to stuff it back into the little pouch it came in. I did it finally not without wetting my 2 hands and making them so cold. It was probably 9-11deg at that time at 6.55am. Squeezed the water out of my jeans. My socks were so wet that my feet were cold the entire day haha. My jeans eventually dried up mostly. My shoes were wet though. Enough of that. Then, 881 almost gave me a heart attack by being almost late. When I normally get to school, the time that 881 reached Booragoon Bus Station and the time 187 starts is about 20mins. So, imagine that the time got cut to 5mins. 881 was supposed to reach Booragoon at 7.10 which it did. I hurriedly gave my thanks to the bus driver and ran to the 194 platform where many students belonging to Somerville Baptist College were waiting. 194 came and I got on. Halfway through the trip, I opened my bag and found my pencil box missing. WEIRD! I thought I did put it in and I couldn' have dropped it anywhere because I did not open that compartment at all. It actually dropped through my books into the bottom of my bag but I panicked and sms-ed Cyrus to ask him to bring extra pens for me. Because I was busy messaging, I didn't realise 194 had passed by Yiddara (or Yiddarin, I can't really remember) Catholic School (where I was supposed to press bell). I got onto South St with a weird feeling. Then, I saw the Murdoch College billboard and I was like, "CRAP. I missed my stop!" I hurriedly pressed the bell, hoping the next stop is reasonably near. It's not too bad. It was sheltered too. It was raining when I got off the bus and I didn't want to use my pathetic umbrella anymore, I took out the poncho I bought that day in Garden City and draped it over myself. The hood was HUMONGOUS. I spent alot of time whilst walking to Bush Court (path along South St) trying to adjust the hood just so that I could see properly. Haha. Reached uni and msged Cyrus, asking where he was because he wasn't replying me. Met Lucas and we talked abit. At 8.15am, I walked off to ECL1 and saw loads of people waiting outside. Saw a couple of guys going in but I didn't want to go in because I didn't want to be the only girl in there heeh. Then, saw a girl go in then I followed. Looked around for a seat and I saw Sharon! Went to sit with her. I placed my bag on the chair beside mine for Cyrus but that fellow didn't turn up for lecture today cuz he overslept. Lol. Anyway, Sharon and I went to sign up for our Stats tutorial time after the lecture and we managed to grab the last 2 slots of the 11.30am on Friday haha. Then, we went to the bookshop to get some stuff. I got the spiral notebook with 7 holes (so cool!). We did stop by Little Walter's Cafe before that to get some food. I bought a muffin for $3.80. It was super big man. I didn't feel like lunch after that. We went into the Refectory to sit around cuz it was cold outside and my jeans and socks were still wet. Sat down and talked rubbish then we saw Cheryl (Sharon's roommate). We talked for abit before Cheryl went off for her lecture. I complained that I was sleepy. Sharon asked if I wanted to go back to SV to sleep. I told her I didn't fancy walking back later hehe. So we went into the Library and all the way down to South Wing Level 2 (silent zone). We placed our bags on the study cubicles. I had taken my stats book out and I was going to read through it after my 10min nap. Sharon kept coming over to peek and laughed so I ended up not napping at all. Instead, we looked at some of the books the library had. We were at those big books section (larger than A4 size etc). Took out an entire collection of paintings from Tang, Ming, Yuan, Song dynasties (alot!). Then, Sharon took out a book with like "Dawson's NT" or something like that. We were talking about getting married and having kids. And we were giggling like crazy and trying not to laugh out loud cuz we're in the silent zone. So I told her, "Wah, you want how many kids? 11 ah? Football team!" As we flipped the pages, the houses got bigger and nicer and we kept pointing them out to each other. Then, in one of the houses, Sharon started counting the windows. Can't remember how many she counted but she did say one for each kid, one for me. And there was an extra small window and I said it was the toilet window. Then we started laughing again. =) It comes from playing TS2 heeh. Toilet windows are small. Well, they have to be. Anyway, we left the library at about 12.10pm where I met Jia Lin, Amanda and Amirah. Sharon went back to SV to rest awhile before her 1.30pm lecture. Amanda and Amirah went off to do something else whilst Jia Lin and I set off to find the Peace Pavilion where our Psych. lunch was. Found it and we went back to her flat to put her stuff down. CK called to ask where we were. Met there. Saw Ro again. =) Started lunch, I had a sandwich, 2 pieces of sushi and a piece of chocolate cake. The sandwich suddenly tasted hot halfway so I dumped it away. Dad and Mum said it must have been some sauce (can't remember the name). The sushi was not too bad heeh. Had a short briefing by Iain Walker, the Dean of the School. Talked to one of the Associate Professors and she mentioned she was going to Singapore on Tuesday. I told her, "Oh, bring me with you!" Haha. We all talked about the food etc. Seems that every other non-Singaporean who meet that has been there talks about the food. Sigh, what to do. Singaporeans are food junkies. Yea, and oh! did I mention that I completed the 1st chapter of the Psych study guide today as well? Haha. There are so many questions in that study guide. It's good for practice I guess. Effective.

Anyhoo, this is an EXTREMELY long post. To make up for not posting for the past 4 days haha. I started typing this at 11.54pm. It's already 12.39am now haha. My lecture starts at 12.30pm later so I don't need to get up so early haha. Aunty Laura might be fetching me to uni. I hope she does! =) Hehe. Till then, tata! Jia you with the maths Kor! Anything can ask me! =)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pink booties!

Haha. There was nothing much yesterday. Today, Aunty Laura and some members of the family came over to pray to her mother-in-law cuz it's the death anniversary. Accidentally burnt my finger with the joss stick. Ouch. Met little Taylor. She's so cute! Her hair all stands up haha. She's very well behaved too.

In the afternoon, we went to Big W in Riverton to see if there were any winter jumpers but unfortunately, there were none as it's already middle of winter. They're selling summer clothing now. BAH. Got a nice Slazenger vest though. Bought some jelly snakes and best of all, I got a pair of pink booties to keep my feet extremely warm. It was only 8 bucks! What a bargain! =) Cool man. For the first time here, my feet are warm. HOWEVER, I keep taking them off cuz it gets too hot sometimes hahaha. Aunty Laura also taught me how to knit. I've started knitting with the wool. Just practicing heeh. There's the knit and the purl. Aunty Laura bought 5 rolls of red/pink knitting thread and she's going to knit me a jumper. Whee! =) Haha. Attached is a photo of the booties. It looks like a pair of eskimo boots man but I feel like I'm walking on fluff hehe.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Updates from Sydney


Well, first of all, apologies for not posting earlier... been pretty tired the last few days due to hectic schedules. Anyway here's what's been happening the last few days -

Wednesday was a full day for me. In the morning, I went for my faculty orientation which was essentially professors and students coming to talk to us for the whole morning. Morning tea was a cold affair because of the weather and the BBQ lunch was a welcome change. After that I went for a briefing on Finding Work and then I went into town to look for my printer. Eventually settled on the PSC1610 I found at Harvey Norman in Martin Place. It was a terror to lug it home cuz it started pouring the moment I stepped out of the building. And the walk to the bus stop was unsheltered, which caused the whole box to be drenched. Fortunately, the insides were dry...

On Thursday, there was a talk about obtaining PR in Australia. That was followed by afternoon tea and a shopping trip at Eastgardens Westfield, where JL bought a 29" TV. Lucky him... Anyway, again it was raining almost the entire time I was out so ... much for the perfect Sydney weather. It's been gloomy everyday since I came.

Well, Friday today, supposed to be a slack day so I went to town for a while in the day to sort out my bank card. Got myself lunch at Australia Square as well and went home. Well, guess what? When I wanted to assemble my bed, the package was missing screws... Good God! So I had to trudge back to IKEA at Homebush Bay (which is a 1 hour bus ride with 1 transfer at some ulu place called Blaxland), get the screws and come back. I left at 3.45pm, I only reached home at 7.05pm. So that's how long it took... and couple that with the evening jam back into the city on Anzac Bridge. =( Had dinner at Star City with Vernon this evening, which was a simple roast of the day with chips n veges.

My bed is now set up but I need to sort out the room so until then, no pictures hahaha... ok girls, see ya!! I do wanna talk more about the briefings so I'll post again tomorrow.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Frond Ferny - Slack day

Haha, stupidly sent off my Internet Banking application form without a Bank Statement lol. So gotta do it tomorrow. Sigh. Haha. Went to Crescendo Music to ask if they had Marcia but they didn't! Gosh. Haha.

SBFF, have a good trip tomorrow!!! Enjoy yourself!! I dunno what to blog today lol. Take care you guys!!!=)

charm: disgusting driving...

i ended up getting the crappy instructor again. aiyah actually, objectively speaking, he's not all that fierce or nasty or anything, but he just makes me feel worthless and incapable -- not that he's totally wrong as well.

-slums in despair-

i didn't end up in tears today, but that was prolly cos i prepared myself for the worse before i went for my lesson. his piercing comment for me today? that i was basically driving very robotically and (quoting him) "a machine (me) on a machine (car)". his main point was basically that i'm not controlling the car. the car controls me. and as usual, all my recurring problems: always in great danger of hitting (and mounting) the kerb -- i think i did that hell lot of times today; not alert enough cos i always keep my eyepoint focused on one thing for too long; and the usual incapability of changing lane.

in short, i prolly won't pass my test.

you two out there, don't bother trying to comfort me. i just wanted to rant. and when things like that happen to me, i always tend to wallow in self-pity for a while. so don't mind me. just let me sink in my predicament for some time.

-puis self-

on a lighter note, a senior showed me this webbie on horoscope analysis -- it's super accurate! (or at least for mine). Not all horoscopes are up yet, but well, i think weng lock can go take a look at the cancer one first! :)

and well, going off to xiamen tomorrow morning, 715am flight. which means i need to reach there at 5am, and wake up at 3AM!!! -dies- so as such, if you two don't see me online tonight, you know why. take care!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Frond Ferny - The day many things came...

Haha...why do I say that? My ATM card came, my internet banking came, I managed to return the PSY141 book and got cash back. I used that cash to buy my stats books. I'm so jaded man haha. There's new terms like Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio for measurements. Wth, we didn't even learn that last time haha. They kindly provided a formulae list though! =) SBFF, you'd be jealous of my timetable now. As of now, I'm taking FDN150 (Reinventing Aust.), PSY141(Intro. to Psych.), MAS180 (Intro. to Stats) and MCC107 (Intro. to PR). According to my lecture timetable, my day ends at 1.30pm muahaha. Hopefully, my tutorials are at a good time. Heeh. I didn't have a choice but to take these 2 man. I wanted to take Indonesian but it clashes with my Psych. lecture. I'm slowly getting used to the weather. It'll be a min of 3 tomorrow and max. 21. Quite alright haha. Man, my room is 24deg now and I'm sweating slightly. Gosh, how am I going to stand the weather when I get home man haha. Good luck for the Xiamen trip SBFF. Must tell us how you did k? Oh, and I got my Optus Cap49 number today as well haha. VERY nice number. Tell you when you next come online cuz Merster Mork knows already haha. And OH!!! The Singapore flag was up at the Murdoch International office as requested by Jia Lin. Looks like Marilyn found the flag haha. There's a photo attached. It's not very clear cuz I took it in a hurry. Enjoy it at any rate! Won't be doing much tomorrow as Auntie Laura's working haha.

charm: rotting away.. as always. :)

our picture at the airport! :)

woke up this morning to start packing for my trip to xiamen this friday. must tell you guys about my suitcase. it's pink and purple and hell easy to spot on the luggage claim belts. :D well, choir's been a bit tense, cos there was a bit of an emotional breakdown for us choristers and our conductor during monday's practice. basically the choir needs a greater sense of direction for our xiamen competition, and we all need to throw the negativity that we've been having about our performance and our fellow members away. there's been a lot of accumulated grievances and frustration, which's been impeding our progress. for my case, i guess i need to learn how to sing from my heart again. it's something that i've lost over the two years of being in hc choir -- i've unwittingly become too obsessed with the technicalities of the song, that i've become so devoid of singing emotion when it comes to choral singing. our last practice is tonight, so all of us are pretty apprehensive about it, actually. my senior was saying that if we can't get things together and set things straight tonight, then we're doomed.. -keeps fingers and toes crossed-

fern. you're doing stats! my goodness i had such a sad past with stats last year... oh and weng lock, is that an inflatable mattress i spot there? eh you guys must pardon me for the very mundane entries, cos seriously, my life back here is really quite unexciting.. oh. i have driving tomorrow. please please please pray that i don't get disgusting instructor who's made me cry twice already... -starts praying now-

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Frond Ferny: Orientation Day Two

Found out that the Psychology program is restructuring. They only recently revamped the entire program. As a result, I was forced to withdraw from PSY107 and PSY145. BAH! I have since signed up for MAS180 (Introduction to Stats, which is what we did in As actually. It's just a little more.) I still need one more. I might do Indonesian haha. I don't know. There's conversational Chinese but that's a level 2 unit. Oh man. =p It's been a pretty long day. Met new friends today. Met Cinammon again (yea! haha). Dinner stank. Came home, ate a pear and opened my new bag of cornflakes and ate! Heeh. I'm sleepy man haha.

Anyway, I will not be participating in any activities tomorrow. I'm too lazy to take public transport into Perth and back. Tomorrow, Auntie Laura will bring me to school to return the PSY107 textbook I bought and then we're going to Garden City to enquire about the Optus plan. Yesterday morning was colder than today. However, I still did breath out mist. Yesterday morning, it was 1 deg. Celsius, today it was 1.4deg. Celsius. Haha, 0.4deg. C difference only man but it's quite drastic man. Oh well, at least it's warmer at home. DUH. Haha. Alritey, I'll post more tomorrow. I want my sleep time haha. Tata all!

My Room & Some Rain

Today was a pretty bizarre day... when I woke up, the weather was perfect - sunshine and all. After the IKEA people came and delivered my 7 boxes of stuff (and they were REALLY heavy), I took a bus down to town again.

Then it started raining really heavily... I was thinking just my luck man! Just about everybody I saw who was walking in town got lashed by the rain, saw a lot of people dashing for shelter. If there is one thing they don't have here, it's all the underground sheltered walkways - presumably of course, because they hardly have any rain here (unlike us in Singapore). Anyway, I've got a new Optus mobile phone line.

Oh... I assembled half the furniture (most of the table and the cabinet)... Pictures are up above... The bed will be done by end of this week as I will be out for orientation from Wednesday to Thursday.

Okie... see ya girls soon! ;)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Lock Gor Gor's Day 3 & 4

Again... you know who... :P

Sorry for not blogging yesterday - was a bit tired cuz I had to go to school by 9am to complete my registration and grab my matriculation card. Anyways, on Sunday, basically I went with my friend to go take some pictures of airplanes and the city. Here are some pictures -

On the left is the view I get everyday from out my window - Anzac Bridge. Sunday morning was bright and sunny, but it eventually turned crappy, just like how a typical day in winter Sydney is like.

Monday came and I took the bus down to campus for orientation - about a 1/2 hour ride with 1 change of bus at Railway Square Central. Honestly, I couldn't eat much breakfast cuz firstly, it was so cold this morning and secondly, I was suffering from a bit of nervousness, being the first time I'm back in school for two years. I took bus 501 from Miller Street, a minute walk from my place up to Railway Square where I changed to bus 393 heading straight to campus.

Arriving and Surviving talk given by the ISS at UNSW was good - gave me a little insight into living in Sydney and surviving at the uni. After that I went to Maroubra HSBC to do my account but unfortunately, because I did not have a proof of residence here, I could not do so. Thank goodness Vernon stepped in to help and I managed to do it after going into the HSBC at Bridge Street. Still have not gotten my phone line though as the bank is not able to issue me a statement until tomorrow so I'll have to go back into the CBD again.

I reached home early today... around 5pm. And this was what greeted me...

Lovely Anzac Bridge with the towering cumu clouds above it... very dark and menacing. I just had dinner in and watched a bit of TV before taking a relaxing shower and coming to use the computer.

Anyways, tomorrow will be a relaxing day since I'm expecting furniture and that's about it. Wednesday and Thursday will be packed, with Friday being relaxing again. Oh no... really hope I can get back into the studying mode... =X

Tork-tah-yall-lai-dah. (Talk to you all later in Aussie slang)...

Frond Ferny - Orientation Day One

Today was the first official day of orientation. It was for the International Students mainly. We had a welcome talk in ECL1 (Economics, Commerce and Law LT1). Alritey. Let's outline today. =)

6.45am - Woke up. Brush teeth. Change clothes. Prepare milo and ate 2 slices of cake.
7.10am - Piano.
7.25am - Left house for bus stop.
7.35am - Bus 881 came. It was early! It was supposed to come at 7.38am.
7.40am - Bus reached Booragon Busport. Booragoon Busport is also where Garden City Shopping Centre is.
8am - 194 arrives and leaves Busport.
8.15am - 194 reaches South St. bus stop. Waaa very early!! =)
8.35am - Reached Jia Lin's flat. Sat around, had abit of breakfast.
9.25am - We leave for ECL1.
9.30am(or slightly after) - Welcome talk starts.
11.20am - Talk finishes. Jia Lin and I go to Bush Court cuz I want to make my student card. Met a 1st year 2nd sem student mature age student called Paul. Met Joanna (from Hunan) and Jason from HK. Made student card.
After I made my student card, we went to the Guild Shop to check out stuff. Yay! They've got hoodies there! I'll get one soon. We then proceeded to the bookshop to get our books and Jia Lin's student diary. I already got one when I went to Murdoch with Auntie Laura the other day. Jia Lin had enough money to get all her books. I bought 2 books. Then went to Bankwest to get somemore money. Met Cinammon, a girl from NORTH CAROLINA. Haha! Crap, but I didn't get her number. Haha...hopefully I'll see her again. Then, if Meixi and I ever go to NC to watch Clay in concert, I've got someone I know there haha. She's from Wilmington though and her parents live 4 hours away from Raleigh. Withdrew 200. Bought books for all my units except PSY145. That book hasn't arrived yet but it's good to have gotten all our books because Paul says the line will be out all the way till Bush Court when term starts because everyone's getting their books. We then went to the famous Asian Food Van to get lunch with Paul. Jia Lin wanted to go back to SV to put her books first because they ARE heavy! I know, cuz I had to lug them all the way back home haha. All 3 of us bought the large portion for $6. There was rice, vegetables and we chose terriyaki chicken and green curry. It's nice. The terriyaki is comparable to home but for 6 bucks, it's quite a small portion haha. I was expecting larger. It's an asian portion though so I was able to finish it. Paul didn't find it enough for him heeh. At 1.25pm, I called Jia Lin to ask her where she is because the bus that will bring the International Students to Garden City leaves at 1.30pm. Paul walked me to Carpark 4 because I have a pretty bad sense of direction. =p Met Jia Lin there and gave her her lunch. She ate it on the bus. I didn't go shopping with them to Garden City. Hehe, I took that chance for a free bus ride home. If I had to walk all the way back to the bus stop, I think my back will break! Anyway, when we reached Garden City, one of the OGLS, Alfonso (from Kuching) walked me to the Booragoon Busport where I took 881 home. Got home at 2.30pm, tidied up, showered and here I am!

To be honest, this morning was really cold. I wore a tee, my purple long sleeve, my woollen long sleeve, my black windbreaker (with the fleece inside), my woollen scarf, and gloves. I was still cold. I breathed out mist continuously for the first time today heeh. It was quite amusing. I ended up blowing out really hard whilst waiting for 881 at the busstop. Haah. Deprived childhood man. =p I think it was probably about 5 to 7deg. Celsius when I left the house this morning. My heater in my room is not on now and according to my clock, the temperature in my room is 18.5. In the house, it's probably about 17 because I did run the heater for awhile to warm up my feet. Hehe. My feet and hands are constantly suffering. I've got a huge pimple on top of my lip. Bah. Today afternoon was warm. I was sweating at the busport whilst waiting for 881 to go home cuz the sun was so glaring. It's kinda ironic. It's hot and yet everyone's in long sleeve shirts haha. Anyway, I took a photo of myself on the bus this morning to show you guys how fat I become (like a little snow woman!) when I've got 4 layers of clothes on me. =p Anyway, till then, take care guys! =) Must post more often okay! Alamak, I'm the only one who's posting long long! SBFF, good luck for the comp! When you leaving? Must blog when you're overseas also ok?

charm: still stuck with choir practices.

ahh it's lovely to see that you've managed to find fellow lah-lor-meh singaporeans within your fellow uni mates! and they're from jjc as well! good la! :) haha about seagulls. the last time i went to sydney, there were lotsa seagulls near the beach too. and well, they feed on salt and vinegar fries (or chips, as the westerners call it). we throw a bunch of chips in the air, and woosh, you see this bunch of 'gulls fly up to catch the chips, in a manner not unlike that of a bird-feeding showcase worthy of our Jurong Bird Park birdshows. and the most hilarious thing was the wind. the wind at the beach was so strong, when our dear feathered friends tried to fly, the wind blowing the the opposite direction would sorta throw their flight backwards. it was so highly amusing! -chuckles-

with regards to the new template, hope you guys like it! :) it's a bit chrismassy, but well, what the heck! snowflakes are timeless, and to be admired all times of the year!

like what i've said, i'm still stuck with choir practices these couple of days. am bunking with felyna on the trip! :) you know, somehow, this year's competition feels less competition-like as compared to two years ago, when we went for the olympics in germany. i guess it's partly because we've let our guards down, cos it's basically the same competiton we're joining, only the difference in location and song categories. perhaps we're complacent, or perhaps we still don't have that common goal... oh well, but whatever it is, am glad to be joining this com together with such lovely company...

ooo the sky's getting dark here! shall go shut the windows! take care you two!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Frond Ferny - Freo

The International Student Breakfast today sucked. Seriously. I only had an oily pork sausage. Eww...but I met loads of people there. 3 girls from Zimbabwe, Sharon from Mauritius (Cheryl's roommate), Jason from Australia (OGL, he's doing his phd), Rachel from Malaysia (OGL), Ben from Hong Kong (OGL), then from Singapore - Jia Lin, Cheryl (both from JJC), Valerie, Cherie, Audrey, Amirah, Meera, Gabriel and some others whom I can't remember their names haha. Then, went back to Val's room to talk. All our Singaporean accents all came out and we let loose our Hokkien swear words etc haha...basically speech related to Singapore. We missed it like crazy man! Sharon was so amused at the colourful words we used hahaha. We feel abit weird here not being able to say 'lah', 'leh', 'hor' and all that hehe. Then, we left for Fremantle (the locals call it Freo). Went for lunch at the famous Cicerello's. Had it taken away and we sat on the lawn in front to eat. Lots of seagulls there. One of them let his errm...load...onto Jia Lin's pants and we all laughed. Jason said, "Welcome to Australia!" Hahaha...Jia Lin says she's got an affinity with bird poop cuz when we were still in JJ last time, another bird pooped on her. The chance was like 1 out over 800+? Hehehe...anyway, had a good time. Bought 3 little bars of French Vanilla, Caramel Melt Fudge and Caramel Cream haha. Ate the Caramel Melt just now. Feeling damn full haha. Man, I miss home like crazy; especially just now all of us were in Val's room talking about the food. Val's mum said she would send us the packet Herbal Chicken for us to cook. We all were like, "YES PLEASE!!!" Hahaha...I miss my mum's soup like crazy lah. Sigh...term hasn't even started and I'm missing home. But I guess I'm not feeling it too bad cuz Auntie Laura's around. Uncle Soo Poh's like the handyman heeh. And Ben...well, he comes home for dinner every weeknight and Sunday nights. But when I see him, I don't really talk to him cuz I don't really know what to talk to him about. We're 2 vastly different individuals. =) much for being a cousin. =p Anyway, temperature today was good. Orientation starts tomorrow. I'm crashing Jia Lin's flat at 8.30am cuz that's when my freakin bus reaches campus. If I took the 9something bus, I would be late. Damn bus service. Owell, these past few days, I've been quelling my homesickness by watching the HZGG and BMJX shows haah. Watched Vanessa and Melissa's wedding cds yesterday and thought of Sir haah. God, I'm pathetic man. Owell, I AM away from home so why can't I miss him eh? =p Anyway, signing off now. Till then, tata guys!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Lock Gor Gor's 2nd Day in Sydney

Hey girls, Lock Gor Gor reporting from Sydney again... it's 1-freakin-am now... i feel like sleeping but oh well, cuz it's only 11pm back home and i cannot sleep... =X

Today i went with Vernon to buy a whole lot of furniture from IKEA at Homebush Bay, where the Olympics in 2000 was held. They have this megastore there. Anyway the theme of my bedroom will be white, with red coloured cushion and pillow covers. I also bought soft toys to decorate the bed a bit cuz the bed is supposed to be a comfortable place. Can't wait to sleep on it man! The furnitures came up to about AUD850, cuz of the bed, mattress and quilt being very expensive.

Anyway here are some pictures of my room... before it's transformation on Tuesday.

The weather's been a bit weird lately, it's raining and cold again today. At times, with mist being blown out of my mouth... hopefully it's going to get better tomorrow. Till then, lock gor gor signing off from Sydney. Take care girls!

charm: picture-testing

ooooo! please look at lovely picture! haha ok, i'm just doing a test on this to see if the pictures come out. well, these are not any ordinary flowers! they are *drum-rolls* PINK TULIPS from JAPAN! :D all right. charm is talking nonsense.. but really, these tulips are lovely indeed. have i mentioned that i love flowers? i love receiving flowers! -chuckles-

ahhhh! fern's got SHOPPING TRIP tomorrow! i want to go also! i'm stuck with choir prac tomorrow, then going out with felyna and ern theng for dinner! they're (i think) treating me to dinner, cos of my birthday. :) apparently, our dear friend kelvin wants to give me a birthday treat too! all the nice people around me man. -beams-

anyway! now that i've showed you guys how easy it is to post pictures, i expect to see lotsa aussie pictures from you guys! :)

charm: singapore happenings

i really wanted to come online last night, but choir prac sorta drained the life outta me. ah yes, i've sent fern the email again to join us as a team member, so do check your mail girl! :) pretty weird, cos i was supposed to have sent it to you already, but somehow you said you didn't receive it.. -scratches head-

well, weng lock's plane ride seemed pretty bumpy.. i think the weather around the world is pretty turbulent of late. my conductor just told us last night that her flight (she was supposed to be flying off today) to xiamen was cancelled cos there was a typhoon going on near xiamen. and as a result of which, a lot of international choirs couldn't make it there as well. oh, and 10 judges for the competition couldn't make it there either. so now, the whole bunch of us are praying really hard that the weather changes for the better by the time we're flying there, if not we'll be putting months of preparation to waste...

ah yes, by the way, if you guys have pictures to put up, please do so k? ;) we can afford to up the visual appeal of our blog!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Lock Gor Gor's Day 1 in Sydney

Lock Gor Gor's 1st day in Sydney... The flight there was a bit rough and because the person sitting in front of me had her seat reclined so far back it was crushing my knees, I had to like sit crouching for the entire flight, thank goodness I could sometimes go out onto the aisle to take a walk. Anyway I did not manage to sleep the whole night and I resorted to watching I Not Stupid Too and Legally Blonde to help me pass the time (if not, I would have been bored to death). The approach into Sydney was rough and very very bad... the winds were a little bit unstable today so the captain had us all belted and secured to our seats very early on.

Anyway, finally arrived without incident. Arrived into this nice little apartment at about 11.30am in the morning. I spent the whole afternoon to myself since there was nothing much to be done except to go have a bit of sleep. Had a Krispy Kreme just now for teatime. Went out for dinner later when my friend returned from work at this place near my apartment which serves really good Mexican pizza and pasta. I had this Mexican tortilla wrap with grilled meat, which was excellent. There were lots of veges in the tortilla wrap.

It's kinda cold here, cuz it was drizzling just now as we were walking home from the restaurant. Tomorrow will be going furniture hunting, followed by shopping I guess...

Till then, this is Lock Gor Gor signing off... good night and sweet dreams.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


hey you guys! :) nice to hear from the two of you! ok, first things first! FERN! you were supposed to check your mail and accept my invitation to you to be a team member to contribute to this blog! cos currently, you're using my account (the sbff account) to post! so it's very confusing! please go check your mail and accept the invitation to join this blog as a contributing member, create your own account, then viola! can post as yourself! then we won't have three people scrambling to post under the same name! :)

lock gor gor (i can't believe you actually consented to adopting this nick haha!), really sorry i couldn't send you off, but i'm glad i managed to talk to ya on our mrt journey to city hall. and i do hope i made you feel better too. :)

fern! wear more clothes, and drink lotsa hot chocolate! (heehee, sounds very harry-potter-gryffindor-ish) jiayou k you two?

Leaving today...

Well, i'm gonna leave Singapore tomorrow at midnight. A little bit sad somehow, because I've been living the 22 years of my life so far on this little island. Though the weather may be hot and unbearable at times, things expensive and people irritating, my dearest Dad, Mom and Friends are all here. I just hope the ride to Sydney will be painless tonight, and it better not be some old haggard 747 bringing me there... =X

Felt a bit sad yesterday when Mers Mork went to Perth yesterday, though I tried hard not to cry. On the train ride back, thank god for Ms Loh's company for cheering me up... Also, thanks for the huggies at City Hall... Ms Loh, I felt so much better after that little gesture. Even if you could not send me off tonight, I will bring your good wishes over with me to Sydney.

Till I arrive in Sydney, please take care everybody. before you know it, I'll be back here in Singapore to bug you all again...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


all righty! :) this blog is up for the interaction of three lovely people! namely the awfully frond-like sook fern, the absolutely charming charmaine, and of course, the sole gentleman of the trio, weng lock, who keeps the friendship locked securely! right. enough of the lame attempt to string the names of everyone to suit some form of adjective or verb... this is a bit of a random post, so it's sorta like a testing post. ;) on to you guys!